Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I visited KCMI radio in Scottsbluff where I was on the "Coffee Break" show.  It was such a great time and a time full of worship.  I was able to share some hardships of my life along with the awesome things that have happened and continue happening to me too.  It was my first live radio interview and I think we did pretty well!

After that I stopped to pick up my t-shirts from Scottsbluff Screen Printing, which are COMPLETELY awesome!  And it was off to my home town of Alliance, NE.

I had the afternoon to go over the plans of the week and get prepared mentally and how ever else to have everything in line for my busy week at Heritage days!

Prepared and excited,
Miss Nebraska

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right."  1 Peter 2:13-14

Gospel Fest at Five Rocks

I had the privilege of participating at the Gospel Fest at Five Rocks Sunday evening and had such a great time.  I was familiar with the Hebbert family before but I got quite a treat hearing their different performances all night long.  I was able to perform one song and then sit back and relax as the talent continued.  Just an awesome night of praise and worship with some very awesome people.  

The Hebbert Family!
And what a wonderful compliment I received from Timothy Hebbert (far left) at the end of the night.  I went to thank him for letting me participate in the show and he not only complimented my voice but also the deliverance of my voice and how I sand the song.  He said, "You sang that song like you wrote it."  Such a great compliment that I will always remember.

Miss Nebraska

Sunday Morning Churches!

Elmer and Edith
I was able to spend a few nights in Scottsbluff with some family friends dear to my heart, Gerald and Betty Parriott.  And they had many plans for me this weekend.  Sunday we went to Central Church of Christ in Gering where I had the pleasure of singing a special and speaking momentarily before the congregation.  It was such a joy to be able to share the gifts that God has given me with people of faith.  I know that it is such an honorable place for me to be that I can share God's word and my own faith openly.  I take pride in how I was raised and what I believe.

After meeting some of my youngest fans, we headed over to Westway Christian Church in Scottsbluff where I had the opportunity to share my testimony.  I told a little story of the Saturday morning of the parade when I told my mother that I had been asked to share my testimony.  She said to me, "Do you even have a testimony?"  I don't have a story like most, I wasn't at the bottom of a rut before I came to Christ, but I was raised up in the church and surrounded by believers.  I was blessed by that and have always had the support to maintain my relationship with God.  As always there are downfalls and spiritual ruts but I have gotten through those and become stronger in my faith because of it.  I know that there have been trials in my life for reasons and I overcome those for reasons as well.  God put me in this position for a reason and I'm bound to find out why!

Sharing my testimony at Westway Christian Church in Scottsbluff

Some Westway fans.  They all know Teresa too!

Yay for 4 hours of church!
Miss Nebraska

"For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have." 2 Corinthians 8:12

Oregon Trail Days Parade and Old Settlers Luncheon

The 2010 Scottsbluff County Fair Queens
I was pleased to be back in Western Nebraska where the humidity followed me, you know, to make sure I felt at home after leaving Lincoln.  I was a beautiful non-windy day in Gering, so the sun just beat down on you and there was no stopping the sweat from running.  I know that this probably goes against all code of pageant conduct and being a lady but you would have thought I was sitting in a bathtub after the parade was over.  It took 10 minutes for my dress to dry!  Against all anyone has ever told you, pageant girls DO sweat...we just do it more graciously and with more cation than most.
Riding with Gerald and Betty Parriott
After the parade I was able to sit and chat with Miss America, Teresa Scanlan about my year thus far and about her traveling as well.  We talked about how emotional we both were when we were crowned Miss Nebraska, even though we promised ourselves that we weren't going to let it happen!  It was great seeing her and catching up on old memories!

The lovely Miss America, Teresa Scanlan
After the parade I was invited to the Old Settlers Luncheon to speak.  They had the honor of having Teresa there Friday afternoon and then me Saturday afternoon!  I ran into so many people that were such strong supporters...I was so humbled.  It's such a great feeling knowing that I have so many people around the state that have watched my journey and are so anxious for the year ahead of me.  They all vote that I go for two in a row by winning Miss America! :)

My Great Aunt Glennie's sisters I found in Scottsbluff :)

My busy, hot morning was followed by some much needed down time and catching up with my friends back in Lincoln.  They seem to miss me when I'm all the way out here!

Blessed to be in the west,
Miss Nebraska

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."  Ephesians 5:20

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Omaha Fun!

My beautiful friend Tay from Alabama!
Exactly five months to the day was the last time I got to see my wonderful friend Taylor and it was five months too long.  I was so pleased that it worked out for me to be in Omaha when she would be in town for the dance convention.  And she missed me so much that she asked me to perform at the show that evening.  I of course had to sing her my talent song, it's her favorite.  It was a change in entertainment as all the other entertainers were dancers.  Now I'm sure I could have gotten out there and you know, busted a move, but I may have embarrassed all the REAL dancers there so I thought I'd just keep that to myself.  

The wonderful choreographers at the dance convention.

Tay's lovely VIP dancers from across the country! Strikin' a pose!

The wonderful Mr. Art 
It was great meeting the staff and choreographers, they were a great group of people and all very talented, prestigious dancers.  Some of them had magnificent accents too! :) 

Taylor and I then went out to midtown for supper at a Mexican restaurant out there and had some great conversation and experiences.  As we were leaving we spotted the Cold Stone Creamery on the corner and couldn't pass it up.  I was so sad that I had to take her back to the hotel but at the same time so very thankful that I was able to see her and participate in the dance show.  I am so grateful for our friendship and the bond we've created.  It ain't goin' away!

Miss Nebraska

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by hte renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will."  Romans 12:2

My Daring Journey to Lincoln!

Although, the photo above may not quite be an exact replica of my drive back to Lincoln last Sunday, it was something of the sort, only much, much darker.  I drove from Alliance to North Platte for a photoshoot and instead of spending the night and having to conquer the time change in the AM I decided I'd race the storm, get ahead of it and just zoom on into Lincoln.  Little did I know that the forcast was going to change (weird right, that never happens!)  I was approaching Gothenburg when I noticed the beautiful pluffy white clouds in the sky were turning grey and horrid black and they were rolling right over top of me.  In an instant my car blew from the right lane into the left due to the sudden wind factor and within seconds, the rain came down.  And did it ever.  

I was sure that little Howie needed a bath but after that storm no way!  I think had it rained any harder the paint would have started coming off.  During this storm I spent a lot of time praying for my safety and that of the other drivers on interstate.  I also prayed for the strength to release the grip off my steering wheel so my fingers wouldn't fall off.  I practiced quite a bit of white knuckling that night.  I slowed down to about 55-60mph and stayed behind a semi because that was the only way I could see ahead of me.  I told myself that if he pulled over or exited, I would too.  He and I passed several semi's pulled over under bridges, cars in ditches yet we kept on truckin'.  It wasn't until Goehner, Nebraska that the rain stopped.  That was a little over 100 miles that I drove in a pitch black, awful, horrible, crazy scary, yet entertaining storm.  I don't think I want to do that again, not for a while at least.

Thankful for dry roads,
Miss Nebraska

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

I tell you what, if my light was lightening that night I was SHINING!!!

More Rodeo's and Chadron's Fur Trade Day's Parade

My little cowboy friend :)
I think after four nights of rodeo, I'm all cowboied out!  It was great to be back in Alliance at the rodeo's where I signed many autographs again and was able to sing the National Anthem.  The thing I'm loving most about my job is seeing the support from people, some of whom don't even know me that well.  I am so blessed to represent this state and my hometown of Alliance as well.

Me and my grandpa...he's my favorite.
When I saw this picture of my grandpa and I on my camera I nearly cried.  I didn't know my mom was taking a photo and I'm a little partial to my grandpa so seeing us hand and hand together was such a great moment.  I miss him dearly when I'm back in Lincoln but we keep connected with lots of phone calls.  Another special someone I've missed so much is my Fancy cat!  Even though my mother will tell you he likes it better at her house he secretly wants to come back home with me...okay so maybe there is a little fright in his eyes.  I don't care, even if he doesn't want to come back home with me, someday he will be and he doesn't get a say in the matter!  My mom is planning on doing an interview with him with a title that goes something like, "What its like to be Miss Nebraska's Cat."  I'll keep you posted on the progress!

Fancy Kitty!!
The night of the rodeo I found out who my little princess for the parade was and had the opportunity to call her myself with the good news.  Unfortunately, she wasn't around when I called but I told her mother the news and she said she'd have her call me as soon as possible.  Not long after I answered a phone call saying, "Hello?"
"Um...hi.  This is Aubree Noble!" (please insert a slight rise in pitch on the voice as well as a little heavy breathing)
"Hi Aubree, my name is Kayla Batt and I'm Miss Nebraska.  Do you know why you're talking to me?"
"(more heavy breathing) I think I won a contest..."
"You did and you get to be my little princess in the parade tomorrow.  You get to dress up and will get a crown and sash to wear too, what do you think about that?"
"...(heavy breathing filled with excitement) ok!"

My little princess for the parade, Aubree Noble.
So the next morning this is the beautiful lady I got to meet.  We had a great time in the parade and really only hoped that we'd get a couple Popsicle's but were too unfortunate.  It was great seeing Miss Mariah Cook, the first time since Miss Nebraska.  The parade was a long one and I think the crowd was getting a little dull until we beautiful women came by.  They woke up a bit after that, thankfully.  
Some of my favorite title holders and our little princesses!
I learned that leaving my hair down in a parade on a day that's almost 100 degrees is a bad idea.

Lesson learned,
Miss Nebraska

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."  Romans 13:8

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hooray for Fundraising!

It's that time of year!  Okay, so what I'm trying to say is that I am starting my t-shirt fundraiser just in time for you all to wear them for HUSKER FOOTBALL SEASON!  I must give a huge thank you to Jeremy Dollarhide of Scottsbluff Screenprinting for helping me with the design!  It was a good idea turned great when Jeremy was finished with the design.  We have made a hefty order that will be ready for Heritage Day's in a couple weeks but I will also be taking orders on Facebook as well as through my blog.  Please if you are interested comment or send me an email at 

We will have t-shirts in sizes:
youth medium
adult small
adult medium
adult large
adult XL
adult 2XL

This is a great fundraiser for me and I hope the design is appealing enough to  you all that you'd like to have it to wear anyway!  The t-shirts will sell for $15 a piece.  Please let me know if you're interested!

The front of the shirt is the official Husker 'N' with my real autograph and smiley followed by Miss Nebraska 2011.

The back of the shirt is made to look like a jersey with the number 11 for the year 2011, as well as the drum kit for my platform, "Make Music Rock" with my favorite verse on the bass drum, James 1:2-4

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  James 1:2-4

I am also raffling off a KING SIZE quilt that was handmade by my Grandma Karen Batt to help me raise money for my expenses as I journey to Miss America.  The raffle will be going on for the next few months and a winner will be drawn in the fall (more updates on the final date to come).  The winner does NOT need to be present to win.  

Raffle Ticket Prices are as follows:

1 ticket - $10
3 tickets - $25
6 tickets - $50
9 tickets - $75
12 tickets - $100

If you would like to purchase tickets I would ask that you write you information on a 3X5 card as follows:

Phone Number:
#of tickets purchasing:

Please send a check written to "Kayla Batt Fundraising Acct" to:

Becky Herian
3959 180th Trl
Alliance, NE 69301

Again, if you have any questions on ordering please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for your support!  Fundraising is key to this job so I really appreciate your participation.

Miss Nebraska

Moving, Stuffing, Lake Fun and Rodeo's!

 After spending a week going through all my junk, yes I'm going to call it junk, I was able to move out of my one bedroom apartment into a single bedroom.  Needless to say I got rid of TONS of stuff!  I believe I was on garbage bag number 7 by the end of everything.  My mother always tells me that I'm a horrible junk collector and I may have been in the past, but recently I've become very good at clearing that junk out.  My motto is: If I haven't used it in the last year, I don't need it.  I sent bags of clothes to Goodwill and the Black Market in Lincoln and filled the dumpsters outside my apartment with everything else.  It was fun filing through all of my past memories though, running into paperwork from Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen in 2007 to photos from elementary school.  I avoided the sappy mess that could have come to be and just tossed things into the trash pile, it felt SO good!!

The challenge of the move out occurred when I remembered that I needed to take a lot of my stuff back to Alliance.  As many of you know I drive a new Chevy Aveo, not the largest car but great on gas mileage.  So I'm standing outside with my four plastic tubs questioning how on Earth I'm going to get them to fit into little Howie.  (This is my car's name, it took me a couple weeks but he is and will always remain, Howie.)  But low and behold, two in the trunk and two in the back seat with everything else stuffed in an around, I did it!  The weight may have taken a little toll on Howie as we has a teeny trouble going at the green lights.  Needless to say, Howie was pretty stuffed!  We stopped in Clarks for some cabin fun with Joel's family and then it was off to Bridgeport for some 4th of July fun at the Lake.

My friend Sayla :)
Every year our friends from Colorado come down and we have a great time swimming, boating and fishing.  And as always we make our way out to the county fairgrounds for the rodeo.  I was honored to sing the National Anthem both Sunday and Monday night and it was a joy to run into so many people I haven't seen in years!  I ran into family, friends, classmates, and teachers; some of whom I thought would have forgotten about me by now.  Sunday night, I walked around with my little cousin signing autographs and taking donations and Monday we decided to do a 50/50 raffle to help raise money for my expenses.  It was a great turn out and I met so many wonderful people!  It was amazing to me, how many people had been following me over the years and to see how proud they were of me.  That is the joy in coming home for the first time.  I felt so incredibly welcome and honored.  I singed hundreds of autographs, a few t-shirts and my favorite, two cowboy hats!  What a privilege!

DJ and Matthew Hoxworth
It was so great to run into some familiar faces like DJ and Matthew.  We spent many summers together at Angora's Vacation Bible School.  If I remember correctly Matthew used to tell people he was really special because his name was in the Bible!  They've always been family friends and it was great discussing the pageant life with them.  Mom had asked them if they knew what rhinestone dresses were running for these days!

I also had the pleasure of seeing a good friend from high school, Levi Gorsuch.  We reminisced about our first middle school dance that Levi asked me to and then later asked me to be his girlfriend.  Too bad it only lasted a week when he broke up with me the following Friday.  Some of his family members were teasing him because of this and had to tell them that I gave the kid a second chance my freshman year, when I asked Levi to the homecoming dance...too bad he was going to be out of town for a RODEO!  Guess it just wasn't meant to be Levi!
My friend Levi Gorsuch
I have to give a special thank you to my Grandma Mary, Aunt Renee and cousin Ashlee who walked around all the stands selling raffle tickets for me!  I also have to thank my mom, as stubborn as she is and as much as she didn't want too, she followed us around and took pictures for me!  We raised $442 total but went home with $221 after giving the other half to the little girl who won the raffle.  She bought the tickets with her own money and then won $221, she was thrilled!  I am so blessed with amazing people in my life, I won't ever be able to thank them enough.

Aunt Renee, Gma Mary, and Ashlee helped me with a 50/50 raffle!
Feeling so at home, 
Miss Nebraska

"But as you excel in everything-in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving."  2 Corinthians 8:7

Jerrod Neman, Blake Shelton & Brad Paisley!

Abby, Jordan and I waiting out the two hours before the concert!

Ran into some Alliance boys while I was there!

Just playing a little catch up on the blog!  After the concert, which was amazing, I was back in Lincoln packing my life into plastic tubs for the big move.  So really I just moved across town but packing in general isn't my forte.  I was without internet for a few days and without motivation to access some to write my blog.  So if you will bear with me, I'll catch you up on life, love and continuing adventures of Miss Nebraska!

Miss Nebraska

"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.  The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."  Isaiah 12:2