Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nest Fest in Scottsbluff

I made my way to good ole Scottsbluff a few weeks ago to sign some autographs and be a part of the Nest Fest celebration.  There was entertainment by the local dance studio as well as a group from Utah, and they were fabulous!  There was free food, free entertainment and the encouragement to save money for college.  I can vouch for the importance of that as I am paying my way through college.  It is so important to put back as much as you can to avoid the debt that college usually brings.

I had so much fun meeting all the wonderful children that came out that afternoon and enjoyed the entire day, even with the lovely Western Nebraska wind!

The amazing group from Utah, Dyer Highway!

I was blessed to have my mom with me that day to take all my photos for me and attend to me like I'm sure she loves :) 

More to come, 
Miss Nebraska

Here is a video by the group that sang/played, they are fantastic, and siblings under 18! Dyer Highway

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