Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Last Four Days

I can't believe that 22 days turned into 4 right in front of my eyes.  I have four more days to be the reigning Miss Nebraska.  It's a crazy, crazy thought.  The closer this week has approached the more people have asked me how I'm feeling about giving up the crown, job, and title.  Two months ago I would have told you that I wasn't even close to being done and that I wanted to keep the job for much longer.  Three weeks ago I would have told you that I was definitely ready to pass on the job and dive into my summer.  As I was avoiding packing my suitcases last week everything hit me.  

The life that I knew before was flipped completely upside down on June 11th of last year and the life that I've known for the last 359 days will be altered in just 4 days when I crown the next Miss Nebraska.  The feelings I'm experiencing are a whole culmination of things.  I'm humbled with the year I've been given to dedicate to this experience, excited for the new girl to experience it, and thrilled to be with the people that have supported me over the years to reach this.  But I'm also at the "this whole thing is really weird" stage.  I'm not a competitor this year.  I'm not thriving to reach this dream.  I'm simply here to guide and support the contestants and end my year with a bang.  

Approaching this year in June of 2011, I thought I was going to have a world of time; in March I realized just how quickly it had gone by.  Many people confuse a year to be a lifetime when it's truly so short.  I shared with a dear friend the other night that this will always be a part of my life but just like college graduation, a wedding, children and a wonderful job, it will only be a part.  Although it has become a lifestyle for me doesn't mean I have to rely on the happiness I've received from it to last throughout my life.  I will find new endeavors and come to new parts of my life that will fulfill me.  In the whole scheme of things, my year as Miss Nebraska 2011 will only be a part of the huge life I will live.  The 20 years prior to winning prepared me for the job and the job has prepared me for the rest of my life.  

It's this that places the peace on my heart.  In the midst of all these horribly weird feelings, I'm at peace knowing that this is truly only the beginning to the rest of my life.  Not that, that makes me think any less of it, but it's true.  I won't dwell in this life and wish I had it back but take from it what I've learned at apply it to the rest of the life I have to live.  The networking I've been exposed too, the opportunities I've been given, and the things I've learned have opened up my world.  I will never be more thankful for this last year but when I look for the big picture it will be sitting comfortably with the rest.  

I don't regret any part of this year.  Whether it be good, bad, in between or unknown, it's been this way for a reason.  God works in mysterious ways and though I may forget, I try not to argue it.  This year has been a blessing and it is tough to realize that I'm officially done in four days but that doesn't mean I won't be remembered or thought of.  I've given this year all that I could and I've become a better 'me' because of it. 

My first blog as Miss Nebraska 2011 said, "I don't strive to be the best Miss Nebraska, I strive to be the best 'me' because that is what will make my life, my journey, and my future destinations real and amazing."  I have been the best 'me' this year and given it my all.  I have been the spit fire, crazy, weird Miss Nebraska and loved every minute of it.  This year was given to me after years of hard work and I did it.  I traveled the state, I spoke my voice, I promoted my platform and the organization, I competed at Miss America and I did it all with pride.  My year as Miss Nebraska 2011 may end in just four days but I will always be Miss Nebraska 2011.  And I will always remember and appreciate all of you who have stood beside my, behind me and even those in front of me pulling me on the way.  This year wasn't and isn't all about me.  It's about the people in this state who have influenced me, leading me to influence others.  

This is my sixth consecutive year in the city of North Platte during pageant week and I'm about to make it the best one yet.

With all the love and appreciation a girl can give,
Miss Nebraska 2011

The scripture verse that I read before bed one year ago was this,
"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom." Psalms 90:12
Funny how perfectly it fits here. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Remaining 22 Days

Folks, I know I've been quite a slacker in this whole area of blogging but I've recently realized I have a LOT to talk about.  I'll briefly catch you up on what I've been up to since Miss America and then share my plans for the future.

After coming home from Miss America I took advantage of sleep, ice cream, cereal and TV.  I was so exhausting coming off the adrenaline high in Vegas and I definitely need to catch up.  After a few weeks of laziness I started another workout program with my trainer to keep my mornings busy and started up again with my appearances.

At the Morning Blend talking about my experience at Miss America.

Drove through a blizzard twice this weekend to get to Western NE for the Farm and Ranch Expo.  Even had family from Wyoming come to see me :)

I've been so happy to help KAH a few times this year and this was one of the greatest events.  The DECA group from Millard West broke the Guinness World Record for the largest hand painted sign which raised over $5,000 for KAH in Omaha.

In February I traveled to South Dakota for a local competition and was so grateful to spend time with my Miss America sister, Miss SD, Anna Simpson.

In March I worked with Education Quest at the Lincoln Westfield Mall and met up with my new friend Matt McKay from KFRX in Lincoln.  Our personalities work wonderfully together...aka, things get a little wild when we're together.  

At the end of March I had the honor of speaking at the Omaha Agri Business Banquet in Omaha where I had the opportunity to speak about my life in agriculture.  I was such a blessing to think back on so many memories that were made on the farm life.  

Before Miss Nebraska Orientation I was able to judge the a Sodexo culinary event in North Platte where the winner's breakfast recipe was entered for the national contest.  His recipe even made the top 4 in the country!  

I was asked to speak at a mother/daughter banquet in April at the E-Free Church in Lincoln where I was able to share the importance of representation and my personal testimony. 

Despite the cancellation of the Spring Game I was still able to hang out with the Spirit Squad.  Had it not poured on us, I would have been sidelines as a quest of the Spirit Squad.  

After many different appearances I decided to take a little break from reality and fly out to California to see my sister, brother-in-law and my beautiful nieces.  I loved spending the week with them and becoming their favorite auntie :)

This month has come up quickly I'm a little nervous to get everything done!  With graduations, piano lessons, and recitals out of the way I am focusing my time on Miss Nebraska 2012.  I have spent a great deal of time writing a journal for the new Miss Nebraska filled with helpful hints, encouragement, music, scripture verses, contacts and love.  One thing that has always appealed to me about being Miss Nebraska is being a mentor.  I look forward to filling that position even more in the years to come for the young women in both the Outstanding Teen and Miss Nebraska Pageant.

In the last few days I have chosen my songs for Miss Nebraska, filmed my farewell video, planned some outfits and began the process of understanding that this experience is nearly over for me.  In preparations for my farewell video I wrote a paragraph stating that I created my own path this year as Miss Nebraska and each Miss Nebraska after me will do the same.  I feel that each one of the former's have left their mark on this state and the new ones aren't to follow their path but build their own and I feel I have done just that.  I made my mark on Nebraska in the last year and I think I can say it's been quite a unique one.

I'm headed to a wedding tomorrow in Iowa, then making a trip out to North Carolina for a few appearances and time with friends.  I will keep you posted on the journeys ahead.

Thank you for the constant support!

Miss Nebraska :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Miss America Day 7

Hello to one of the best nights ever!  I had the chance to work it in my swimsuit and bask in the dream of floating across the stage in my evening gown.  I couldn't have felt better about either of them.  During rehearsal many of the girls got emotional while walking in evening gown and it was obvious why.  It's the evening gown portion that was always the highlight of the Miss America pageant.  The young girls watching didn't remember the talents, or the swimsuit but the gorgeous dressed that the woman were wearing.  And I must say, when you have the confidence to walk half naked in heels in front of 7,000+ people, you feel pretty good! 

I have Deb Gray of Figure by Faith in Omaha to thank for my wonderful body!  I had such a wonderful experience with her and felt like a super star on stage!

My gorgeous gown was designed and sponsored by Michele Strom of Winning Crown Boutique in Omaha. I was so lucky to get the gown of my dreams!

Love my family!

The wonderful George Garlic!

My ladies from Omaha :)

Such a handsome man.


More to come!
Miss Nebraska :)

Miss America Day 6

"From the state that brought you Kool-aid, Ohhhh yeeeahhhh!"
I understand how outrageously late this is but I MUST finish this week of Miss America even if it is without much detail.  I have some other things I'd love to write about and only have one month left as Miss Nebraska!  I hope you haven't gotten bored with me as I've been awful at blogging!  Here goes.

Tuesday night preliminaries was an easy yet nerve racking night for me as I had onstage question.  It's my least favorite portion of competition so I was glad to get it over with on the first night.  I tend to have an out of body experience in this area so I don't remember the question but I do remember that I felt wonderful with my answer.

Onstage Question

This night was extremely special because it was the first time I was able to see my family and friends!

My wonderful Caroline!

My directors :)

My love!

My cheering section/biggest fans/family/friends!

Hoping to wrap up this week of blogs very soon!

Miss Nebraska

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Miss America Day 5

Day 5= Interview and theatre rehearsals!  Wake up call seemed to come too early this morning but with some breakfast and some prayers I felt confidant only moment after waking up.  I went down to get my hair and makeup done and after a little tweaking I was ready to face the panel of judges.  Alana, Miss Nev and I were able to walk down to the interview room together and for the first time I got to see my directors.  Okay, so they knew where I'd be and I very quickly and sneakily grabbed a hug from them before heading to the holding room.  We had the most wonderful hostess taking care of us and reassuring us how great the judges were.  Normally before my interviews, I've spent my time breathing, saying a few prayers and focusing on remaining focused.  This pre-interview time I spent with Alana watching this video.  Needless to say it put me in a very happy, relaxed place.  Alana and I were both totally excited to do our interviews and after wishing me luck I walked around the corner and into the judges room. 

I'm sure most of you are wondering, "What did Kris Jenner ask you?" I know you're wondering this because I think 50 people have asked me that since I've returned from Miss America.  And to be perfectly honest, I don't remember what she asked me.  One of the things I've been telling people is that it didn't feel like they were celebrities.  Yes, I've watched them on TV and in movies, but today was about me, about each contestant.  It felt like I was the celebrity.  They were firing questions and fighting for my answers and that was such great feeling.  I was asked about a variety of things both political and fun and very personal.  I explained to Mark Ballis that I would have taken him as my dance partner in Dancing with Omaha's Stars last year, and explained what it was like living without my father in my life to Teri Polo.  The ten minutes of interview time flew by and I wasn't disappointed in anything that was asked or how I answered, I only wished I could stay in that room and speak to each of these judges for hours.  The moment the door to the interview room was opened, my Alana was standing there and I literally jumped into her arms.  I was thrilled with my interview and was so anxious for hers!

Needless to say, rehearsals become way more fun when you're done with interview as you will see in the next few pictures! 

Got ya' Brucy!

Cousin IT?

Getting my dance on!
It was indeed a very successful day of rehearsal and our first time on the stage to practice was great!  While we were rehearsing swimsuit and evening gown walk I was looking at the backstage hands and there was something terribly familiar with this guy Chris.  When I got up to him I asked how long he'd been helping with the pageant, he said somewhere around seven years and then he looked at me very carefully.  He noted that I looked very familiar and then I told him I was on that same stage four years before as Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen when I had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem.  He immediately remembered me and told me it was all in my eyes :)  See the crazy connections I've made over the years?  Who would have known we'd meet again.  And I must also note in here how absolutely wonderful the dressing room staff and hostess were.  This day was really the first time we were able to work with the seamstresses and the ladies in the dressing room and I felt so taken care of!  

Our evening plans were dinner at PF Changs and then shopping at the Miss America trade show!  We celebrated Maria, Miss Delaware's birthday and I'll admit it, I had a piece of cake and it was fabulous.  You'll notice that I tried to enjoy every aspect of my time in Las Vegas, lettuce hats were a perfect fit in this situation.

Lettuce hats?

Shopping with Miss Louisiana and Miss Alabama

With Miss America 2009, Katie Stam!

I learned about the wonderful designer Twenty Cluny from Miss New York, Kaitlin.  What wonderful pieces they have, makes me wish I were in New York shopping right now!  To quote from my journal entry this night:
"This show is over in three days.  I am anxious for His outcome and will wait patiently.  Today I found out Brian (one of our choreographers) is Adam Sandler's stunt double."  
I had to laugh when Brian told me this because since when does Adam Sandler do anything crazy enough to need a double.  Asking about this led me to information I didn't want to know!  And, I forgot to mention earlier, but both Brian and Stacie danced with Michael Jackson! So jealous!  And I was feeling in a dancing mood and talked Brian into dancing with me.

And I don't know why I wrote this down but I noted in my journal that Miss Utah, Danica loves cats!  Maybe because we share that :)

My ending to this night and thought for the next day was from Colossians 3:23-24
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

We're almost halfway there I think,
Miss Nebraska

Miss America Day 4

 Day 4 started at 4:45am getting up, waking up, and preparing myself to be hair and make-up ready by 6:00am which would give me enough time to grab some breakfast and snacks from the hospitality suite and get to the elevators by 6:15am call time.  I'll break down the process a bit for those of you who didn't see the live show.  There were 6 different groups of girls filming their introductions at 6 different locations.  But as each new location, the girls from the previous shot were participating in the dancing.  We were all in alphabetical order with the exception of the girls who were under 21.  Because some of the intros were being filmed in bars we didn't want to have anyone underage.  The first few girls in the alphabet did their shot the day before and the next groups shot needed to be done after noon so we began that Sunday morning at the Bellagio with my group.

 This day proved difficult because there was a lot of what we call "hurry up and wait" happening.  The film crew and production people had a lot of setting up and testing of this and that but we had to be ready at the snap of a finger.  And although temperatures in Las Vegas were warm and toasty by midday it was rather chilly that morning.  Needless to say we spent a lot of time cuddling for warmth. 

After what seemed like 100 shots we got it down perfectly and we were off to the next location!  Le Reve at the Wynn was one of the coolest places I've seen.  There is a circular stage that is surrounded by water.  The stage changes levels and spins too!  Luckily I was in the back row for this shoot because aside from my yelling out dance moves to help our Miss Nevada keep it together, I was fighting my tendinitis in my knee.  Something about the rubber style floor and high heels was making for a horrible combination.  But with some subtle dance moves and some massaging in between shoots I made it through!

"Thanks for the shout out Lady Gaga, Nebraska, Nebraska I love ya!"

A group of us having lunch at the Palms!
After lunch at the Palms we headed to the secret coded Ghost Bar for the second group of girls.  This was the one we had to postpone so the sun was in the correct position, and also the one that I wasn't in!  Nap time was an understatement.  I think it took only a matter of minutes before each couch, car and rug were covered by a sleeping body.
Getting ready for nap time with Miss Nev at  the Ghost Bar.  This was our only break in the day.

After the Ghost Bar, we drove to downtown Las Vegas, which besides the somewhat vulgar women advertising for the $2 hotdogs and $5 mixed drinks, was a really neat place.  (This was the location that we had the non-alphabetical and underage girls in)  The sun had gone down at this point and all those coastal girls were getting very cold.  We had run through this dance many times and it happened to be my favorite dance so I was very much into it.  To the point of breaking a sweat.  So I ditched my scarf, and gave my coat to someone more cold than I was and kept groovin' to keep myself warm.  Something about that dance gave me a huge kick of much needed energy to finish the shoot.

Our second to last shoot of the day in downtown Las Vegas!

Having a great time teasing Brucy the photographer!
And last but certainly not least was poolside at the Cosmopolitan!  It was 9pm by this time and besides being sleepy we were all freezing, but despite all of that we were all in good spirits which was so uplifting and gave everyone the last kick we needed to get through the last shoot!

Last shoot at the Cosmopolitan!

We got back to the hotel shortly after 10pm and I was showered and in bed faster than you could think, but I still didn't know what time my interview was the next morning.  After a few calls I had the schedule in hand and my alarm set for 6am.

It was a crazy exhausting day, but so much fun!

Psalm 29:11
"The Lord give strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."

Miss Nebraska

Miss America Day 3

Saturday brought more rehearsal, which by the way, was always fabulous!  We had such a great team of choreographers who've been working with the Miss America Organization for more that eight years, Brian, Stacie and Barry were all so phenomenal to work with and always kept rehearsal entertaining.  During rehearsal, a few girls were pulled out to do up close and personal interviews with Tall Pony (our production team) and Artistry by Amway.  We had our hair and makeup crafted by some wonderful hair and makeup artists, mine happened to have such a darling accent which made for quite an enjoyable time.  They were fixing us with a more natural look with runway appeal.  Our hair was sleek and our makeup subtle to evoke this powerful look.

After rehearsals we changed into our killer Express outfits and went to the Fashion Show Mall where we would be participating in a runway type event.  This was probably the coolest thing I have ever done in my whole life!  We walked into the mall on the main level, walked out the doors into the parking garage, and got into an elevator that took us down a level.  As confusing as this was I decided to go with the flow.  Once downstairs our friends from Express and our stylists from the days interviews were there to make us all look fabulous.  We were guided into this giant box where our positions were marked with a piece of tape.  We rehearsed once the runway walk and then got to our positions and waited.  It was only moments later that we were rising from the ground level to the main level of the mall.  You started to see the feet and then the knees of onlookers, then cameras.  We were rising out of the ground in a glass box!  After we were in position, the runway began to rise out of the ground.  At the end of the runway were cameras galore!  It was the most extravagant and exhilarating rush of adrenaline I had experienced.  It will definitely go down in my history as one of the greatest things I've done!

When the fashion show was done, it was off to Buca de Beppo's for some fabulous pasta and dessert!  I even met a couple fans there outside the doors.  That's always a great feeling when you have people cheering for you :)  AND we did a little singing for Miss Alabama as it was her birthday and instead of spending it at home with her family she had to spend it will her new sisters! 

Happy 25th Birthday to Miss Alabama, Cortney Porter!

Yummy dessert!
The have a famous tomato sauce and its routine every year for the girls to dip their hands in it and make a giant hand print panting out of the sauce for them to hang on the wall for the year!  It was fun and delicious!

Playin' in the famous pizza sauce from Buca de Beppo!

Miss America Class of 2012's hand print sign!

And after a long day of rehearsals, fashion show, late dinner, and tired feet, what else is there to do besides read, enjoy some water and a lovely foot soak!  This is my wonderful roommate Julia, Miss Maine.  I just love this girl!  In her grandma pajamas and with her silly foot soak :)

My wonderful roommate taking advantage of her foot bath!

Needless to say we made a perfect team for each other.  It was so great to talk about life and pageants as we both have such different stories.  Julia won Miss Maine on her first shot so hadn't been exposed to the pageant world as long as I had.  We had many different stories to tell and such a wonderful bond.  This woman will always be a dear friend.

I went to bed after finding my verse to conquer the next day, James 1:2-4

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kids, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

And wrote a little prayer in my journal after that.

Dear God,
Please help me make it through this week in faith, in health and in strength.  I can't do it without you!

Lots more to go,
Miss Nebraska

Monday, March 5, 2012

Miss America Day 2

 Day 2 began with some delicious pancakes from IHOP!  They even had turkey bacon for us, the healthy alternative.  We were able to play and make all kinds of pancakes.  The picture below represents the greatest pancake makers around.  We filled our griddle with batter and had to wait very impatiently until the bubbles were all popped before we flipped it!  It took four spatulas and two full sized plates and a couple burned fingers on my part but we were successful!.
Oh yes, we successfully flipped that bad boy!
After a little morning fun, it was off to rehearsal.  We were planning quite a different opening this year so a lot of work went into it.  But while it was a lot of work it was one of my favorite times because that was the time to take advantage of to really get to know the girls. I started discussing Larry the astrologer with Miss NY and Miss MT and found out they were very interested in that area.  Veronika (Miss Montana) told me she knew another thing, I was a 9 and Joel was an 11...to me this meant nothing.  I'll have to ask her again what her theory is!

Just a little music talk.

After a long day of rehearsal we were treated to "The Phantom of the Opera" at the Venetian.  What a fabulous performance!  The theatre was built specifically for this performance and a ton of crazy features went into it to make it one of the most fabulous shows!  Definitely a must-do while in Vegas!

Before heading to the Phantom at the Venitian.

A group shot with some of the cast of the show.
The end of day 2 in my journal ended with a little note about my day, "definitely got my twang on today!"  Clearly I was feeling a bit southern!  I ended my journal writing and my night with this verse:

"And we know that in all things God works for the god of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans8:28

I'm loving all the memories coming back from writing these!
Miss Nebraska