Sunday, May 6, 2012

Miss America Day 6

"From the state that brought you Kool-aid, Ohhhh yeeeahhhh!"
I understand how outrageously late this is but I MUST finish this week of Miss America even if it is without much detail.  I have some other things I'd love to write about and only have one month left as Miss Nebraska!  I hope you haven't gotten bored with me as I've been awful at blogging!  Here goes.

Tuesday night preliminaries was an easy yet nerve racking night for me as I had onstage question.  It's my least favorite portion of competition so I was glad to get it over with on the first night.  I tend to have an out of body experience in this area so I don't remember the question but I do remember that I felt wonderful with my answer.

Onstage Question

This night was extremely special because it was the first time I was able to see my family and friends!

My wonderful Caroline!

My directors :)

My love!

My cheering section/biggest fans/family/friends!

Hoping to wrap up this week of blogs very soon!

Miss Nebraska

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