Friday, February 10, 2012

Miss America: for the girls

What you will read in this blog is special to me.  This isn't the run down of the week or even all my thoughts on the pageant or my experience.  This blog is about what truly means the most to me in this organization, and that is the women.  I can gratefully say that I have the most incredible 52 sisters I could ask for.  Ones that will go above and beyond everyone's expectations and succeed past their own goals.  I was voted as this years Miss Congeniality by these women.  For me this award isn't just the scholarship, or even the title, but recognition from each of these women that through my every day, I was something special to them and there is nothing that is more important to me than that.  That maybe, one of these hectic days, I helped them laugh, or solve a problem, or even listened while they got something off their chest.  Maybe I was there to zip their dress before they walked on stage, all I know is that each one of these women meant something to me that will never be replaced.  

Below I have typed a little bit about each woman; an experience we shared, an inside joke, or something that I want to thank them for or something that I need to make sure they know and remember.  They are listed in alphabetical order with only my state missing.  

To each of you: you will always hold a special place in my heart and this award will never be taken for granted.  I am blessed beyond words for receiving this and will cherish these feelings for life.  I hope I can bring a smile and even a laugh to you as you read this.  For the rest of you reading, I hope this gives you an insight on how my week went.  With these amazing women, it was nothing but amazing, crazy, fun.  I am proud to say that I had experiences with each woman and there will always be something in my every day that reminds me of them.  

We were brought together for a reason.  

This is the first of many Miss America blogs, but to me, the most important.

AL- I think our friendship took on a new level when our tooshie’s got a little squeeze at MAOT!  From then on I couldn’t help but love the connection Courtney and I developed.  She became our “me-mah” of the group yet I will always be one looking out for her. 

AK- Katy and I started our friendship in Hoopeston, Illinois in September of 2010 and how wonderful to share this experience like this with her again.  And we both love kitty cats like crazy…seriously.  I hope the new Olive Garden is as wonderful as the DQ! 

AZ- Thank you for your prayer of Saturday night!  And because of our wonderful little intros used during the preliminary nights of competition, Jennifer was able to get a few extra credit points on her calculus 2 quiz for knowing the answer to the question, “Where was Kool-aid invented?”  OHhhhh, yaaa!

AR- To one of the sweetest and most inspirational, caring and genuine person I’ve ever met, Kristen Glover.  During the entire week at Miss America she was incredibly supportive, especially when each of us needed it.  I don’t expect it was easy for her parent s to scold her as a child…if she even needed it!

CA-Thanks to your other half, my other half had a great time in Vegas!  I’m so glad we were able to connect the boys because this means future plans for you and me, Cali in May?  Thank you for sharing your table at the gala with me, I loved meeting your team!  P.S. I need to get a hold of those knee high boots when you’re tired of them!

CO- Cheers to the awkward silent laughing we had to do in that hallway with those interesting men from the press Diana.  What it takes to pretend laugh and smile when you’re actually making fun of the camera guys.  At least we decided to put makeup on that day!

CT- Morgan, I’m still in need of a copy of your book!  Yes, I said it, this amazing woman is a published author and someday my children will hear her words before bedtime, at naptime and maybe just for fun!  I’ll be looking forward to more too!

DC- To Ashley, one who truly appreciated my “You see dat sign dat say B-A-B-Y” story and after hearing my talent song looked at me with inquiring eyes wondering if I didn’t have just a little bit of black in me.  I guess I’m just a poser with my stories and my voice…we are sisters now though, does that count?

DE- Maria and I shared a fair amount of hugs, whispers of excitement, and squeals of joy before walking (dancing) on stage for the final night of competition.  And following her on Twitter and Facebook makes me wish I was in her crazy family, it’s like I can feel the humor from this far away!

FL- Oh Kristina with the wonderful boyfriend who made her a book of photographs that represent their wonderful relationship.  Yep, you definitely made our table jealous!  Can’t wait to see your adorable half Asian, half tall, blonde and handsome children someday!

GA- Michaela and I come from years ago at MAOT 2008 and I have loved this little ballerina since.  She is such a joyful person with a dedicated, loving boyfriend who made it to each 8am rehearsal.  One day you will teach me how to do at least 5 up-dos…at LEAST 5!

HI- Lauren, I wish I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend with a lime green tux!  I can’t wait to visit you in Hawaii and will always cherish our time together, from Sweetheart, to watching Miss America last year and competing together this year.  Oh!  And thank you so much for the eyelashes Saturday, and I look forward to the next early morning phone call conversations!

ID- When I go back to schoo,l I will be reminded of you each morning that I step into my PINK yoga pants, hoodie and sneakers.  You defined that look Genevieve and you did it well!  I am blessed to have had you as a friend before Miss America and can’t wait to take on that mud run with you! 

IL- Hannah, in my book you will always be my famous red-head!  And I will forever and always think of your amazing talent when someone asks me what the coolest dance I’ve ever seen is.  Definitely yours, unless the kind I do in front of the mirror tops that! 

IN- With my mad bep-boxing skills and Jackie’s killer rapping style, we made quite the team!  Seriously, I’d lay down a beat and out of nowhere these rather humorous and mostly cheesy lines would flow from her mouth, creating an exquisite combination.

IA- Jessica is my long lost sister.  After my family and friends saw the program book they kept telling me Jessica and I looked like sisters and by all means, I’ll claim her!  And I don’t think I saw another person consume so much cotton candy in a week!

KS- Excuse me, Jessica Simpson…oh it’s just Carissa!  This quiet, timid woman has got some killer spunk to her and I’m so glad I was able to find it!  Thank you for praying Wednesday night of prelims and for being an awesome friend!  I can’t wait to meet you in KC!

KY- Our relationship began with the laughing game at MAOT ’08 and turned into a game of laughter behind the stage of Miss America.  Ann-Blair, I have shared more pageant experiences with you than anyone else and what a journey it has been.  I will always love hearing your stories and talking with your daddy!  Pick me up for that road trip whenever you’re ready!

LA- Hopes’ got the moves I’m telling you!  Day one of rehearsal and this girl was getting it and I couldn’t help but take a great liking to her at that moment.  And I’m so glad I was able to squeeze your arm as you were called into the top 15, you’re amazing!

ME- Julia Gulia, my roomie, my nighttime laughter and my morning picker-uper, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better than you.  From your daily clothing report to your granny jammies and your foot bath, we were perfect for one another and I’m blessed to have you as a friend and will always cherish our time together!  We dominated 1974.

MD- Carlie, I’m sorry for yelling at your boyfriend one the way to the bathroom, I was just trying to protect you I promise!  I’m so glad that we were able to go on a date together and induldge in some delicious steak even though we weren’t supposed to eat it…oops!  Don’t forget, you’re planning my wedding someday!

MA- Molly and I share a common trait of very curly hair, we just don’t share it opening during competition.  I had such a great time getting to know you and playing with your beaded sleeve on your evening gown, so entertaining! 

MI- Elizabeth, you sure do “rev my engine”…just kidding that would be weird, but you do make me laugh a lot so that counts.  You have an amazing story and I was so glad to hear it and be able to share some of mine with you as well.  I will forever be jealous of those black pumps you wore all the time…where can I find them?

MN- When it comes to Natalie I always looked forward to hearing stories about her brother!  He is such a wonderful person and so hilarious too I couldn’t help be wait in anticipation for you to tell more stories about growing up and what he thought of the women in Vegas!

MS- I think some of my fondest memories with Mary Margaret come from the conversations about our moms and how they’ve transformed through the pageant world.  I will always cherish your accent as one of my favorites and think of our awesome dance moves whenever I hear “Ohh oh sometimes I get a good feelin!”

MO- Sydney, first thank you for singing a killer version of “Dream On” and letting me imagine I was sitting in a concert hall.  And thank you for being so open with your faith and holding my hand each night that we prayed before show.  I can’t wait to see you in KC, and let’s make it soon!

MT- Veronika and I sat behind one another in the dressing room which meant that we bumped butts often!  
And for some reason, I was always finding her… “belongings” laying around the room.  I love our laughs (Verjonika) and the sweet romances of the hospital nurse.  No wonder you got sick!

NV-  My twin.  My future bridesmaid.  I don’t know how to explain our relationship in any other way except we are perfect for each other.  I am so glad I had you there after each area of competition to talk about how we killed it!  And to jump into each other’s arms and do an interview with GMA while discussing our weddings.  You are truly the greatest honey boo-boo child!  And I know you know it.

NH- Regan without your guidance I wouldn’t have known where to stand therefore would have been lost.  Basically I couldn’t have done anything without you!  I’m so glad our states are close and we were able to share so many moments together before opening number.

NJ- Katherine Nicole is seriously one of my favorite people ever.  When we weren’t in the same room together I literally missed you.  And I must apologize for booting you off the little stool we were trying to share in the losers lounge…I would have let you just sit in my lap dangit.  So glad we were together for that.

NM- Sarina was always there to open the door for me when I made my late night calls to room 1972 and was usually the first person I saw at the end of the hallway for call time.  Thank you for being patient with my craziness and always putting a smile on your face for me and laughing at my jokes!

NY- Kaitlin is truly an inspiration.  I have followed your journey this year and am continually amazed by the incredible things you are doing in NY.  Thank you for introducing and encouraging my addiction to Twenty Cluny and I will spend New Years with you.  And I will be a grunge New Yorker, no tourist for me.  And I want your wonderful seamstress mommy to make me a colorful dress!

NC- Hailey, I loved our time together at Buca’s.  I’m so glad we were able to sit down and talk about our lives and our future endeavors.  And I’m very grateful that some of those may be happening together soon!  I’m grateful our boys bonded and I can’t wait to see what your future holds for you because I know it will be amazing. 

ND- Of all the contestants this year Ariana was one of my first to meet when he mom and I shared seats next to each other on the way to Orlando.  You are such a great person and so encouraging.  I’m so glad we had all the time together in FL and will forever have the bond of MAOT and MA sisterhood!

OH- Ellen and I shared a moment during rehearsals on Friday when I started talking about how sad it was going to be to leave all the girls and go home.  We both started tearing up and I had to stop.  I am confident that you will always think of me when/if you remove your luggage tags and I’m so happy about that.  Hopefully that will give you enough encouragement to remove them!

OK- Betty and I made a deal during rehearsal Saturday that if either of us were to make top 15 we would hug, and although I didn’t get to join you that evening, I felt blessed to be your embrace as you started your final night into the competition.   We still need to talk about some things we didn’t get to discuss :)

OR- Caroline, you may not have known this but apparently we look very similar.  You see, I was in an Artistry video and they labeled me as “Caroline McGowan, Miss Oregon.”  It took me three times of watching it to catch it, but I’m not even mad because if I was mistaken for you on a daily basis it would only make me a better person! 

PA- My sweet Juliann who considered stealing my phone from my clutch in Orlando because it looked just like hers!  It’s so great knowing that in your first couple of pageant you were able to experience Miss America and with the attitude that gained so much respect.  Thank you for always being joyful, no matter the situation!

PR- Laura Ramirez!  I couldn’t look at you and try not to smile, it just wouldn’t work!  You brought so much joy and sass to my every day.  And I that you realized how much we all enjoyed your accent but I think the best moment was listening to you say my Kool-aid opening!  I will never forget it and will continue practicing my Puerto Rican accent.  It’s definitely still in the works. 

RI- Robin and I have had problems with our last names, although yours is worse, I feel for you!  I must say I thoroughly enjoyed watching you get ALL your makeup applied before show, so rebellious and I love it.  I can’t wait to visit you in the future and I even own a Brown t-shirt now…will that help me fit in?

SC- Even though your Gamecocks wooped on my Huskers a couple weeks prior to MA, I’m glad I didn’t hold that against you for too long.  I think what I most enjoyed was listening to you say your own name, Bree Boyce; it just had the perfect ring to it with that accent of yours.  And I love reminding people that I know you when they tell me they saw you on TV or in a magazine!

SD- Anna was there each night before prelims while we were getting our hair and make-up done together.  Thank you for always letting me go first and for picking up all the things I dropped.  I can’t wait to see you this month and again in June!  And don’t forget to flaunt that killer bod of yours!

TN- The first dinner in Vegas was supposed to be casual and when I saw Erin rocking her yoga pants like I was, it was love at first sight!  I enjoyed our occasional winks in the dressing room and glances during rehearsal and mostly watching you get at those dance moves!

TX- Kendall it was a joy spending so much time together in Orlando and then getting to be table buddies in the dressing room.  You are a great representative and I love that we were a part of the same group.  You killed your talent piece by the way, and I’ve been telling my piano student about you.  They all say, “You know her?”

UT- Danica was a tough one to break!  I discovered that if you got her talking about something she really loved, cats, she’d talk forever!  I loved our little tough acts that were always followed by laughter and I appreciate that your hug came first after the announcement of Miss Congeniality.  Teach me how to dance and we’ll be the best of friends. 

VT- I must first thank your state for being so awesome by bringing Ben and Jerry into this world!  And thank you for being such an awesome person when I met you last year at MA.  Katie was one of the first faces I saw in Orlando and I love that I was always greeted with the biggest smile!  I will be visiting someday, promise.

VA- I will say I was hoping Elizabeth would catch onto the trend of wearing boring, comfy clothes to rehearsal but instead she showed up at 8am looking like she was ready to hit the town.  I guess it did give me some encouragement knowing that if at any moment someone needed an example of what to dress like they could at least take a photo of one of the 53 contestants!

VI- Camila taught me how to correctly pronounce her name in Orlando this August and I rubbed it in everyone’s face in Vegas!  I’m so glad we both share a passion for music.  I think we should team up and hit ‘em with the double wammie of music importance.  And I will never complain about a two hour time change again, knowing that for you it would be four!

WA- Brittney, “From the home of Twitter, you’re welcome!”  Seriously, did you have to steal that line from me?  You were totally the talk of the pageant with that line and your killer performance on that fiddle.  I’m so glad we got to share this experience with each other and I know Jon was glad too because he was able to see more of me than he had before!  Give the kids a kiss for me!

WV- It has been a joy to see Spenser grow into an even more amazing woman.  After competing together at Sweetheart and spending time together last year at MA I was so proud of being your sister again.  You’re such a stud (in a very feminine way of course) and someone I hold dear to my heart, just like I would my own little sister.  Thanks for all the love!

WI- Laura, I hope I’m not alone in saying that I felt our connection right away and possibly in Orlando.  It was like neither of us needed to say anything we just had these feelings and could see them in each other!  And I loved it!  Your patience and ease all week was so relaxing and definitely rubbed off on me and I thank you for that. 

WY- Catherine, you are one of the sweetest, kind, caring people I’ve ever met and so funny too!  I was so glad to have you backstage before talent and truly loved the sincerity of your every word.  It meant so much to have someone who truly listened, cared and responded and I thank you for that!  And for surprising me with your humor, it was the greatest! 

Thank you each so much for making this one memorable experience.  I hope you now know how important each of you are to me.  

Love always your crazy sister,
Kayla, your Miss Nebraska
Nebra, Nebby, "Nebraska, Nebraska, I love ya", Batt 

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry. I ADORE YOU. Only you, Miss Congeniality, could have such a phenomenal post about your class. I feel so blessed and lucky we are get on out here to VT!
