Sunday, December 4, 2011

Brownell Elementary Visit

Friday afternoon I walked into Brownell Elementary and had such a warm welcome!  I had the opportunity to speak with the entire school, K-5th grades and all their teachers.  I spoke about who I was and why being a part of pageants is important to me.  I really wanted to stress the importance of my platform to these kids and they responded so well!

And of course they were very curious about many things, like why I was wearing a "thing" on my head and a "ribbon" and if I was married or not.  But it really struck me when they were asking a lot of questions that actually dug deeper into my platform and career.  They asked things like what appealed to me about pageants and how did I deal with the people who made fun of me for being in music, it was a great time!

And before they went on their way in anticipation of the snow storm on Saturday we all agreed to sing "Jingle Bells!"  I am so happy that this gets to be a part of my job!

Glad to see snow on the ground,
Miss Nebraska 

All the kiddos!

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