Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss America Fundraiser

After a long hard day of fun at Disney World it was off to the Miss America Fundraiser!  We had only an hour to get ready to leave but that was enough for everyone to get beautiful and ready for a fun time.  We were welcomed with a red carpet and the beautiful home of the Porter's.  Dinner soon followed with two whole rooms full of wonderful dishes, an ice sculpture, dessert and delicious sushi.  It was great talking with the girls, home owners as well as the Miss America board.

Red carpet!

Visiting after some delicious supper.

Squeezing as many of us onto an couch as possible.
I kept overhearing about some sort of "surprise" we were going to have and it was after they took us all to a room and then all the lights went off.  It was the start of the show I thought, just kidding the electricity went out!  After a few moments of darkness we continued on with the night by listening to the Atlantic City Boys!

Atlantic City Boys=heart throbs
Although it was a little muggy in the house with no electricity we had such a great time!  Dancing and singing with my new friends was a high light to my week!

The fantastic security guard and Miss America's CHRIS

All danced out,
Miss Nebraska

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