Monday, September 19, 2011

Miss America Orientation and Finals!

Because of my busy schedule and my habit of procrastination this blog post is almost three weeks old!  I am terribly sorry, but ready to make it up to you with many blogs today! 

My last day in Florida was spent with all of my Miss America class of 2012 sisters at orientation.  We were spoken to by Sam Haskel, Randy (security) and  few others including Miss America, Teresa Scanlan.  Each person gave there input on what we should be focusing on and what to expect in Las Vegas.  It was a moving experience and one that I will never forget. 

That afternoon I spent hours packing up my suitcases hoping they wouldn't be overweight and before I knew it, it was pageant time!

Unfortunately Brooke didn't make the top 15, but she did such a fantastic job representing our state!  I am so proud of her and will continue to be!

Crazy faces with Indiana 

Bree Boyce, Miss South Carolina

Amy and I after finals ready to take on the long walk to the hotel.

A little fan base that I got to walk with!  So cute!

It was so amazing to be back on the stage I competed on four years ago, but to be with another group of fantastic women!  I am so eager for Miss America this January!  I can't wait to reunite with my girls and get to know them more.

Miss Nebraska 

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