Monday, March 5, 2012

Miss America Day 1

I realize that it has been over two months since I departed for Miss America and that makes me a total slacker for not getting these blogs done before now, but this experience is still unreal.  I can't believe that I was on the Miss America stage and on national television just two months ago.  I'm going to try and backtrack and pinpoint the highlights on my week in Vegas and the fun moments and experiences I had.  I started a journal of the week and with the late evenings and the early mornings started slacking quite a bit but I will share what I have.

On January 5th, on my flight to Las Vegas I was listening to "Where is the Love" by The Blackeyed Peas and starting writing in my journal about the excitement I was feeling and the difference of feelings from the past years I was traveling to Miss America.  I was in the book and would be fighting for the job of Miss America 2012.  It didn't seem like real life.  At this point the nerves hadn't hit and neither did reality.  

On my flight I happen to sit next to a gentleman named Larry who was an astrologer.  I'll tell you right here and now, I've never studied astrology and barely shown any interest in it, and I'm not entirely sure how much of it I believe but it was very interesting to talk with him.  Larry whipped out his computer and entered my name, date of birth and place and time of birth and showed me how my planets, moons, and stars line up.  The whole process was interesting and there are a few "key dates" he told me about, but I'll have to wait until they get here to see if he was right.  This whole process was a great distraction from the fly time and before I knew it we were landing in Las Vegas for the beginning of a wild journey. 

This was my third time into Vegas and it seemed the same as all the rest until I saw two of the most amazing men walking up to me, Lewis and Chris, two of our fabulous security guards.  At that moment, this experience became real.  After heading to the hotel and getting checked in, doing fittings I headed to Express where we were choosing our onstage question outfits and doing some promo videos as well.  I was walking as if on a runway and "Sweet Child of Mine" came on the sound system and I was in the zone on that runway and rockin' it!  I was then told I needed to control my inner rockstar and go for a more sleek appeal.  It was tough, but I made it :)

I was able to sneak a nap in that afternoon before that arrival ceremony, such a relief.  It was so great seeing the girls for the first time since August and you could see the friendships rekindling right away.

After the ceremony, it was off a meeting about what to expect for the rest of our time in Vegas!  The conversation at our table included the importance of ice cream flavors and basically how they determine what kind of person you are.  Therefore, don't date a boy who likes "vanilla"....boring.  For your information I'm a "rocky road" kind of girl.  Must have chocolate covered almonds though, not the cheap way out with peanuts.  Rich in flavor, a little messy and a bit nutty!

Day 1 ended with 1 Peter 3:3-4
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.  Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

More to come,
Miss Nebraska 

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