Monday, March 5, 2012

Miss America Day 2

 Day 2 began with some delicious pancakes from IHOP!  They even had turkey bacon for us, the healthy alternative.  We were able to play and make all kinds of pancakes.  The picture below represents the greatest pancake makers around.  We filled our griddle with batter and had to wait very impatiently until the bubbles were all popped before we flipped it!  It took four spatulas and two full sized plates and a couple burned fingers on my part but we were successful!.
Oh yes, we successfully flipped that bad boy!
After a little morning fun, it was off to rehearsal.  We were planning quite a different opening this year so a lot of work went into it.  But while it was a lot of work it was one of my favorite times because that was the time to take advantage of to really get to know the girls. I started discussing Larry the astrologer with Miss NY and Miss MT and found out they were very interested in that area.  Veronika (Miss Montana) told me she knew another thing, I was a 9 and Joel was an me this meant nothing.  I'll have to ask her again what her theory is!

Just a little music talk.

After a long day of rehearsal we were treated to "The Phantom of the Opera" at the Venetian.  What a fabulous performance!  The theatre was built specifically for this performance and a ton of crazy features went into it to make it one of the most fabulous shows!  Definitely a must-do while in Vegas!

Before heading to the Phantom at the Venitian.

A group shot with some of the cast of the show.
The end of day 2 in my journal ended with a little note about my day, "definitely got my twang on today!"  Clearly I was feeling a bit southern!  I ended my journal writing and my night with this verse:

"And we know that in all things God works for the god of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans8:28

I'm loving all the memories coming back from writing these!
Miss Nebraska

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