Sunday, August 14, 2011

Car show in Columbus

I'd take this one home!
Saturday the 30th, I was headed to Columbus for the car show that happens every year.  Unfortunately, I was unable to be in Scottsbluff for the Scottsbluff County Fair Queen Pageant that evening because I was across the state, but I was still happy to be able to make an appearance.  I had a booth set up in the dealership to sign autographs then made my rounds to all the cars.  I did find a few that begged me to take them home but unfortunately, I'm committed to little Howie, and I know he'd be heartbroken if I chose someone else over him!

Excited fan!

He thought I made his car look great!

It was great to see the town of Columbus and well as all of the wonderful people who came out to the car show!  I had a great time!

Loving classic cars,
Miss Nebraska

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."  James 5:16

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it's great that you're attached to your own car. They're very reliable, aren't they? Once you get used to a certain vehicle, it becomes very hard to take and drive a different vehicle home.
