Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miss Flame 2011

Okay, so I know I've been slacking beyond my norm lately but I'm here to catch up before I leave again for a week!  Back to Heritage Days a few weeks ago to one of the most interesting and somewhat disturbing event...the 2011 Miss Flame Pageant.  I was asked a few months ago by a friend to judge the Miss Flame Pageant.  All of the proceeds that are raised go to the volunteer fire department in Alliance.  Men enter the contest and then compete in evening gown, swimsuit, talent and onstage question...dressed as women.  I really mean it, men dressed in drag to raise money!  It was quite the hoot as you'll see below!

Some of the judges

Morgan Wills and Megan Dimmit

Miss Smoke, Me, Miss Flame and Miss Spark
And rather than the typical 2nd, and 1st runner up's they had Miss Spark and Miss Smoke.  The winner of the Miss Flame pageant was Morgan Wills (one of my friends from high school) and it was almost scary how well he pulled of the womanly appearance!  All in all it was a great event and of course entertaining.  I did a little fill with the emcee where he asked me what was one thing that was different about this pageant than any I had competed in.  My answer was simple and honest, "There is much more hair!"  

Until next time,
Miss Nebraska

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."  1Thessalonians 5:16-18

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