Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday at MAOT!

Rosen Centre Hotel that was my home for a week!

Well, what can I say.  Florida was as it was four years ago when I stepped into the muggy, hot air of Orlando.  Only this time, I was Miss Nebraska!  Okay, well I still am, but you know what I'm saying.  It was such a great welcome as it reminded me much of my experience four years ago when I went to compete for the title of Miss America's Outstanding Teen.  As Amy and I walked into the hotel everything came back to me, the colors, the scent, and the memories.  I couldn't wait to meet the other girls, my new sisters, and spend time getting to know them!  

Some of you may know that because of my former title of Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen 2007, I was given the opportunity to co-host one night of preliminaries as well as be introduced on stage each night.  So as I readied myself for the evening and made my way downstairs I found all my new sisters, who were former teen title holders!  Two of which were my former MAOT sisters and two of my sweethearts!  I was so at ease knowing a handful of the girls and then having this opportunity to visit with them before the show.  

Brooke had evening gown and onstage question and despite her earring falling off did wonderfully, so wonderful at that, that she won the preliminary award that night!  That is the first time Nebraska has won a preliminary award at MAOT!  I was so proud!  Onto visitation!

With the wonderful Chris

Shoe Picture!
As we were all mingling and taking photos one of the dads came up to me and asked me about my blue suede shoes.  I was very excited about them, seeing as they made their debut that night but little did I know that they would have some sort of significance.  This dad told me that August 16th was Elvis' death day in 1977, and thought that I had worn my blue suede shoes in honor of Elvis.  I had to tell him the truth in that I didn't actually know about that, I just happen to choose this outfit for this day.  BUT that didn't stop me from telling everyone else why I had those shoes on.  And my where they impressed!  I believe I will always remember that day and may just have to bust out the blue suede's every year in memory!

Yay for directors!
After visitation, a few of the Miss contestants decided to walk over to Denny's to help Lauren, Miss Hawaii, celebrate her 24th birthday!  It was a hoot walking into the diner with our crowns and sashes but even more fun getting to talk with the girls one on one...and of course talking a few pictures!

This photo is indescribable.
I can say that the five hours of sleep, rough landing into Orlando, a day in heels and a night on the town, definitely tired me out!  After supper I was more than ready to crash!

Loving my class of 2012,
Miss Nebraska

Just a little love from the King.

"Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves."  Galatians 6:1-3

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