I know, I know it's been too long since I have been on here and some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted my winning blog yet but with the process of creating a new blog as well as being Miss Nebraska, it has taken me a few days! Lets take a little blast in the past to Saturday night.

The top 5 were announced right after the community service awards as well as the awards given by Miss America. I was announced as the 5th and final contestant in the top 5 (which was more nerve racking for my mother than myself) but I was so pleased to be competing with Jessica, Rachel, Kayla and Mindy. Over the years we have really been able to create a bond and it just felt like a little family going into that night. We competed in Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimwear, Talent, Evening Wear, and then On-stage Question. Before we walked out onstage for our final time that evening I grabbed all the top five girls back stage and we said a prayer together. It was assurance that God had a plan for the night and already knew the winner and we were all chosen to be there for a reason. It was an honor and a privilege standing hand in hand with these amazing women and praying before our Father in satisfaction and peace with what was to come.

After all eleven of us took our final walk onto the stage the top five were asked to step forward. As you can tell, we are all pretty excited. All in wonder and praying...at least I can say that for myself. We all stood holding hands in await of the announcement of the 4th runner up...Kayla Decker; a wonderful role model and friend who I will always cherish dearly. She's my "kay kay."
It seemed like only seconds later that the third runner up was called...Rachel Foehlinger. I have had the pleasure of knowing Rachel since I put the Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen crown on her head in 2008. I have watched her grow and was so joyed to spend this week with her. Rachel you are an amazing woman and I'm so glad to call you a friend.

Then there were three. At this moment the nerves were so intense I don't even think I could keep a smile on my face. Also, you know how most of the time during the announcement of the runners up that there is a lot of waiting...not tonight. It felt like only seconds were going by before the next runner up was announced and at that moment it was Jessica States. What an incredible girl. Jessica has been my sister title holder two out of my three years at Miss Nebraska and has always remained a wonderful friend. I love that I have had the opportunity to share such an amazing three years of friendship with you and well as the stage at Miss Nebraska. You have such an amazing heart JStates!

If you look closely at my face in this picture you will notice the concern, nerves, possible shaking that was happening. Mindy and I exchanged "good lucks" and hugs and loves and we stood arm in arm waiting to hear the announcement of the first runner up and the new Miss Nebraska. Mindy and I were sister title holders (still are!) and I am so glad to have gotten to develop a great friendship as well as get to know Mindy. You, my dear, are fabulous. Your vibrant smile lights up a room and your kind heart touches so many. I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend my year with and will never forget this moment above. You are incredible and have so much going for you. Thank you for being such a great friend and sister.
At this moment, I went through the realization that I had done the very best I could have and I had remained at peace throughout the week and no matter what happened I would walk off that stage smiling. And with the smiles came the joy, excitement, tears, laughter, fist pumping, a little dance and more happiness, as I was crowned by the amazing Nicky Haverland, as the new Miss Nebraska 2011.
I couldn't believe that the dream and goal that I've had for years had finally come true and I was getting a chance to compete at Miss America. What an honor. I was so overwhelmed with happiness and joy..still am. I have so many people to be thankful for that it would take me ages to write them all but I'm going to give it a shot:
Mom: being my mommy when I need you...always
Chabree, Brett, Dani: your constant support is always needed and you all do fabulous at giving it
Joel: listening, calming and pushing me through the ups and downs of the process and all the love and support
Abby, Sarah, Chandra: you heard it all too...thank you for always listening and supporting me
Gma & Gpa: thanks for always pulling me back up on my feet even when it was tough for you, all the stamps, love, foo foo coffee, advice and prayers
Aunt Nan and Uncle Mark: Vegas! ;)
Gram: my robe, CMN help
Rick, Laura, Joe, Tonja, James, Ben & baby: I couldn't be happier to be a part of your family, thank you for housing me, doing laundry, feeding me and driving me everywhere
Kris and all other hostesses: I couldn't do it without you!
Miss Nebraska Board: you have gotten to know me over the years and have become some of my closest, most looked forward to seeing, people of the year!
Marianne & Tracy: you have both been so supportive of me and have never tried to change who I am...and if you tried, you didn't succeed!
My Sweetheart sisters: your support across the country is endless, appreciated, and loved
My MAOT sisters: you get the same thing! Hearing from you all the way from Vermont is such a spectacular feeling
To all my friends, family, supporters and loved ones (that includes everyone above and those who at 11pm at night I can't directly think of); thank you. I asked you all to support this adventure of mine and you did. I asked you to think of me during the week last week and you did. I asked you to pray for me and I felt God's presence on me the whole week. Without you all, I wouldn't be here. You have seen me struggle to get to this point and withstand difficulties, but that's all part of what made me, me. The same "me" that competed all week, won the title and the "me" that will work as hard as I know how to be the best "me" that I can through this walk of life. I don't strive to be the best Miss Nebraska, I strive to be the best "me" because that is what will make my life, my journey, and my future destinations real and amazing.
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded." Hebrews 10:35
Honored and blessed to be your Miss Nebraska,