Monday, June 27, 2011

Antique Car Show, Lunch with the Wild Bunch, Cake Auction & Rodeo

The sunshiny warm morning turned a little damp and windy.  As we headed to the antique car show, my legs began to shiver and goosebumps overtook my entire body!  Luckily Kathy had a jacket in the car, the color was a bit retro but it helped keep me warm.  At the car show I saw many beautiful cars and some that I would have loved to take home.  I had many people congratulate me on my recent win and many little girls shy away from me when I smiled or waved at them.  But these little boys walked right up to me to figure out who I was and what kind of car I had.  I had to tell them that I didn't actually own the car I was standing in front of but that I was just going to be riding in it during the parade.  They were still impressed. 

The little guy on the right loved when I asked about his "schmancy boots"

Some of the USS NE Sailors.
While I was waiting in the car before the parade started a couple of little girls picked me some lovely flowers for my ride.  It's so sweet to me to see the care and generosity that children have.  And although they were just weeds, I could tell how important they were to those girls and how special I was to have received them.

After the parade it was on to Lunch with the Wild Bunch, and boy I tell ya, they were wild.  I was thrown right into the mix of them and asked to try the brats they were making and rank them on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) I must say...they got an 11 from me!  I was informed about the story of the brats and how they are developed from an old secret recipe.  

Learning the history of these famous Brats
After eating, actually I was still chewing my last bite, I was asked to help auction off the cakes that were made by only men.  I joined Miss Rodeo Nebraska, Becky Grimm and Miss Teen Rodeo Nebraska, Shelby Peters in this job.  Little did we know we were getting our weights exercise done!  With all the icing and decor on the cakes some of them weighed over 30lbs.
Playing Vanna White with Shelby

The Sailors cake.  It weighed SO much and sold for $1100!
It was indeed a wild and eventful morning and I anticipated a bit of a break before it was rodeo time.  I got to retire the dress and heels for my jeans and boots, man did that ever feel good!  Brooke and I headed to supper at the Nebraskaland National Bank dinner where I had the honor of sitting with the Spady's.  It was great telling stories and getting to know one another a little better, then it was off to the rodeo!

Takin a break from our heels and dresses and gettin' a little bit country!
We had a great time at the rodeo and a bit thanks to Maris who was our date!  Unfortunately, the people running the show didn't know that we were there.  There were people from Pennsylvania getting introduced, a family reunion but no recognition of Miss Nebraska and Miss Nebraska OT...needless to say we changed that.  After a little talk with a man on the Nebraskaland Days board, and then a little chat with Hadley (he had a microphone so he's really who we needed)  Brooke and I were recognized in the grandstands.  I guess we are kind of attention getters with these new crowns on our heads!

All in all, it was beyond a great day and there is plenty more to come!
Miss Nebraska

ps. I just typed 'Miss Omaha' ...see I'm still getting used to this!

1 comment:

  1. Those young boys must have had a blast! I mean, they got to see a pretty woman and a cool car on the same day! You sure seem to be busy! Maximize your breaks so you can get enough rest!
