Monday, October 10, 2011

UNL Homecoming Parade

My new fan, John!  He was so excited to ride with me.
Although I have been a student at the University for three years, I have never made it to the parade, and what an honor I had of being the Grand Marshall this year!  My newest fan (I can already tell he's dedicated) was so happy to have me in the car with him.  He even wanted to wave and though mom told him he couldn't I said I'd be happy to have him waving with me.

My lovely ride with the drumline in the back ground.
I got to ride in a brand new maroon Camero with a fantastic sound system and a great driver.  It was a different experience waving to my peers in the parade but a good one at that.  Needless to say I got the loudest cheers as we drove by the fraternities on campus!  After the parade I was escorted to the Wic Center for the release of balloons and ran into one of my favorite people at the University, Herbie!

The wonderful Herbie Husker!

While waiting for the balloon release and the skits I was approached by the Big 10 Network to do an interview!  I was SO excited and honored.

Interviewing on the Big 10 Network!


It was go great to be a part of the University's events and recognized as both a student of UNL as well as the representative of our state.  I am honored to attend such a fantastic university and love the dedicated fans in this state!  And ending the weekend with the largest comeback in our schools football history, wasn't too bad either.

Happy I stayed the whole game,
Miss Nebraska

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