Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kids Discover

A couple of weekends ago, I had the pleasure of spending 6 hours at an event sponsored by Bob Spady (one of my favorite sponsors) at Kid's Discover!  I had heard that it was a large event but boy was I surprised when I didn't get a break from signing autographs.  Okay, that's not true!  When Herbie Husker made his entrance I was able to sneak off and grab a bit of lunch while restocking my autograph cards.

It was so great being able to interact with the kids all day and see all the fun things they were doing.  There were numerous games, bounce houses, and treats to enjoy.  I'd hope they took great naps for their parents!

Hanging out with Herbie and the Kool-Aid Man!

Before the event was over all the fame in the state had to do a few photo ops!  Herbie, the Kool-Aid Man and Miss Nebraska take the stage!  Needless to say, I wasn't getting all the attention anymore.  But its okay, I shared the stage.  The best part of the day was when I was getting ready to leave and one of the volunteers stopped me and told me how impressed she was with me.  She admired the patience I had with the children and how I handled the hiccups of the day.  It's those compliments that really touch my heart.  That's why I love this job, it just suits me!

Until next time,
Miss Nebraska 

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