Sunday, July 17, 2011

More Rodeo's and Chadron's Fur Trade Day's Parade

My little cowboy friend :)
I think after four nights of rodeo, I'm all cowboied out!  It was great to be back in Alliance at the rodeo's where I signed many autographs again and was able to sing the National Anthem.  The thing I'm loving most about my job is seeing the support from people, some of whom don't even know me that well.  I am so blessed to represent this state and my hometown of Alliance as well.

Me and my grandpa...he's my favorite.
When I saw this picture of my grandpa and I on my camera I nearly cried.  I didn't know my mom was taking a photo and I'm a little partial to my grandpa so seeing us hand and hand together was such a great moment.  I miss him dearly when I'm back in Lincoln but we keep connected with lots of phone calls.  Another special someone I've missed so much is my Fancy cat!  Even though my mother will tell you he likes it better at her house he secretly wants to come back home with me...okay so maybe there is a little fright in his eyes.  I don't care, even if he doesn't want to come back home with me, someday he will be and he doesn't get a say in the matter!  My mom is planning on doing an interview with him with a title that goes something like, "What its like to be Miss Nebraska's Cat."  I'll keep you posted on the progress!

Fancy Kitty!!
The night of the rodeo I found out who my little princess for the parade was and had the opportunity to call her myself with the good news.  Unfortunately, she wasn't around when I called but I told her mother the news and she said she'd have her call me as soon as possible.  Not long after I answered a phone call saying, "Hello?"
"Um...hi.  This is Aubree Noble!" (please insert a slight rise in pitch on the voice as well as a little heavy breathing)
"Hi Aubree, my name is Kayla Batt and I'm Miss Nebraska.  Do you know why you're talking to me?"
"(more heavy breathing) I think I won a contest..."
"You did and you get to be my little princess in the parade tomorrow.  You get to dress up and will get a crown and sash to wear too, what do you think about that?"
"...(heavy breathing filled with excitement) ok!"

My little princess for the parade, Aubree Noble.
So the next morning this is the beautiful lady I got to meet.  We had a great time in the parade and really only hoped that we'd get a couple Popsicle's but were too unfortunate.  It was great seeing Miss Mariah Cook, the first time since Miss Nebraska.  The parade was a long one and I think the crowd was getting a little dull until we beautiful women came by.  They woke up a bit after that, thankfully.  
Some of my favorite title holders and our little princesses!
I learned that leaving my hair down in a parade on a day that's almost 100 degrees is a bad idea.

Lesson learned,
Miss Nebraska

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."  Romans 13:8

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