Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Daring Journey to Lincoln!

Although, the photo above may not quite be an exact replica of my drive back to Lincoln last Sunday, it was something of the sort, only much, much darker.  I drove from Alliance to North Platte for a photoshoot and instead of spending the night and having to conquer the time change in the AM I decided I'd race the storm, get ahead of it and just zoom on into Lincoln.  Little did I know that the forcast was going to change (weird right, that never happens!)  I was approaching Gothenburg when I noticed the beautiful pluffy white clouds in the sky were turning grey and horrid black and they were rolling right over top of me.  In an instant my car blew from the right lane into the left due to the sudden wind factor and within seconds, the rain came down.  And did it ever.  

I was sure that little Howie needed a bath but after that storm no way!  I think had it rained any harder the paint would have started coming off.  During this storm I spent a lot of time praying for my safety and that of the other drivers on interstate.  I also prayed for the strength to release the grip off my steering wheel so my fingers wouldn't fall off.  I practiced quite a bit of white knuckling that night.  I slowed down to about 55-60mph and stayed behind a semi because that was the only way I could see ahead of me.  I told myself that if he pulled over or exited, I would too.  He and I passed several semi's pulled over under bridges, cars in ditches yet we kept on truckin'.  It wasn't until Goehner, Nebraska that the rain stopped.  That was a little over 100 miles that I drove in a pitch black, awful, horrible, crazy scary, yet entertaining storm.  I don't think I want to do that again, not for a while at least.

Thankful for dry roads,
Miss Nebraska

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:16

I tell you what, if my light was lightening that night I was SHINING!!!

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