Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday Morning Churches!

Elmer and Edith
I was able to spend a few nights in Scottsbluff with some family friends dear to my heart, Gerald and Betty Parriott.  And they had many plans for me this weekend.  Sunday we went to Central Church of Christ in Gering where I had the pleasure of singing a special and speaking momentarily before the congregation.  It was such a joy to be able to share the gifts that God has given me with people of faith.  I know that it is such an honorable place for me to be that I can share God's word and my own faith openly.  I take pride in how I was raised and what I believe.

After meeting some of my youngest fans, we headed over to Westway Christian Church in Scottsbluff where I had the opportunity to share my testimony.  I told a little story of the Saturday morning of the parade when I told my mother that I had been asked to share my testimony.  She said to me, "Do you even have a testimony?"  I don't have a story like most, I wasn't at the bottom of a rut before I came to Christ, but I was raised up in the church and surrounded by believers.  I was blessed by that and have always had the support to maintain my relationship with God.  As always there are downfalls and spiritual ruts but I have gotten through those and become stronger in my faith because of it.  I know that there have been trials in my life for reasons and I overcome those for reasons as well.  God put me in this position for a reason and I'm bound to find out why!

Sharing my testimony at Westway Christian Church in Scottsbluff

Some Westway fans.  They all know Teresa too!

Yay for 4 hours of church!
Miss Nebraska

"For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have." 2 Corinthians 8:12

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