Sunday, July 17, 2011

Omaha Fun!

My beautiful friend Tay from Alabama!
Exactly five months to the day was the last time I got to see my wonderful friend Taylor and it was five months too long.  I was so pleased that it worked out for me to be in Omaha when she would be in town for the dance convention.  And she missed me so much that she asked me to perform at the show that evening.  I of course had to sing her my talent song, it's her favorite.  It was a change in entertainment as all the other entertainers were dancers.  Now I'm sure I could have gotten out there and you know, busted a move, but I may have embarrassed all the REAL dancers there so I thought I'd just keep that to myself.  

The wonderful choreographers at the dance convention.

Tay's lovely VIP dancers from across the country! Strikin' a pose!

The wonderful Mr. Art 
It was great meeting the staff and choreographers, they were a great group of people and all very talented, prestigious dancers.  Some of them had magnificent accents too! :) 

Taylor and I then went out to midtown for supper at a Mexican restaurant out there and had some great conversation and experiences.  As we were leaving we spotted the Cold Stone Creamery on the corner and couldn't pass it up.  I was so sad that I had to take her back to the hotel but at the same time so very thankful that I was able to see her and participate in the dance show.  I am so grateful for our friendship and the bond we've created.  It ain't goin' away!

Miss Nebraska

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by hte renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will."  Romans 12:2

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