Friday, July 22, 2011

Oregon Trail Days Parade and Old Settlers Luncheon

The 2010 Scottsbluff County Fair Queens
I was pleased to be back in Western Nebraska where the humidity followed me, you know, to make sure I felt at home after leaving Lincoln.  I was a beautiful non-windy day in Gering, so the sun just beat down on you and there was no stopping the sweat from running.  I know that this probably goes against all code of pageant conduct and being a lady but you would have thought I was sitting in a bathtub after the parade was over.  It took 10 minutes for my dress to dry!  Against all anyone has ever told you, pageant girls DO sweat...we just do it more graciously and with more cation than most.
Riding with Gerald and Betty Parriott
After the parade I was able to sit and chat with Miss America, Teresa Scanlan about my year thus far and about her traveling as well.  We talked about how emotional we both were when we were crowned Miss Nebraska, even though we promised ourselves that we weren't going to let it happen!  It was great seeing her and catching up on old memories!

The lovely Miss America, Teresa Scanlan
After the parade I was invited to the Old Settlers Luncheon to speak.  They had the honor of having Teresa there Friday afternoon and then me Saturday afternoon!  I ran into so many people that were such strong supporters...I was so humbled.  It's such a great feeling knowing that I have so many people around the state that have watched my journey and are so anxious for the year ahead of me.  They all vote that I go for two in a row by winning Miss America! :)

My Great Aunt Glennie's sisters I found in Scottsbluff :)

My busy, hot morning was followed by some much needed down time and catching up with my friends back in Lincoln.  They seem to miss me when I'm all the way out here!

Blessed to be in the west,
Miss Nebraska

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."  Ephesians 5:20

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