Monday, September 19, 2011

Knock out Hunger!

Rachel and I with Kelsey Joseph the coordinator of the event!
Although it was a chilly, wet morning and it took me forever to get to Omaha (closed interstate) I made it to the parking lot of Kids Against Hunger where we were trying to break the world record of the largest game of knockout and pack 20,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger!  Although it was raining there was still a huge crowd that showed up and that rain didn't melt us!  If anything it just stirred us up a bit.  And that's when the dancing began.  I had to take a break and grab a water before singing the National Anthem because I got myself all worked up dancing!

Warming up with a little dancing!

Some of the Creighton basketball boys before starting the knockout game!

With the lovely Rachel, Miss Lincoln :)
I jumped in line with the Creighton boys once the game began and stayed in for two rounds!  I actually never got knocked out, I just got distracted and lost my place in line and didn't think that it would be appropriate if I had claimed that I actually won because I never got I just took some pictures and enjoyed the afternoon!

The line for the knock out game!  We tried beating the world record!
And what do you know, Major Jim Suttle stopped in to kick off the event and turns out he left his tiara at home, but I helped him out with the sash!  I think the people of Omaha would love to see this in the paper!

Major Jim Suttle being Miss Nebraska for the day!
After watching the knockout game and finally getting a winner I went into the building to pack some meals!  Our group packed 150 bags filled with soy, rice, veggies, and proteins.  These quart sized bags can feed a family of five and all they have to do is add water and boil it.  It look less than a half hour to pack that many bags and those will feed so many families.  Such a great way to volunteer your time.  That small package will make a huge difference.

Part of our crew as we made out way to pack meals for Kids Against Hunger.

I loved having two back to back days of casual appearances where the hair was in a pony and the comfy clothes were on.  I heard more than once yesterday, "she's not the typical Miss Nebraska, is she?"  And I am more than okay with that!  I rocked my Nike dunks and tall sock and had a blast!

Miss Nebraska

Cartwheel-A-Thon Fitness Challenge and handstand record breaking!

The kids in these pictures had been raising money for CMNHospitals and were agreeing or pledging to do different activities for the money they raised.  So some did bridges and held them for ten seconds a piece, some did handstands with pointed toes, others walked on the balance beam and did cartwheels!  I jumped right in on the action and did my own share of cartwheels, round-offs, and summersaults.  Now, two days later I am barely moving due to my sore muscles!  There are some that I didn't even know existed, guess I need to do it more often!

After the kids had a chance to fulfill their pledges, we held a fitness challenge where we learned about flexibility and some stretches that would be really good to do at home.  I had to laugh when one little boy, Riley was wincing in pain about as much as I was when we started stretching!

After the flexibility it was on to cardiovascular!  I told the kids the importance of cardio and how it will make their hearts and lungs really strong.  Many of them were great at guessing the activities they could do to increase their heart rate.  We played a game that included jumping and running and it got all of our hearts pounding!

On to the muscles!  Brooke taught the kids three different exercises they could do at home to built strong muscles: crunches, push-ups, and planks.  I think the boys were most excited about this, you know they really like the way their muscles look when they flex!

And last but not least Meghan taught the kids about nutrition.  Many of them really wanted to say that doughnuts were the healthier snack but knew that apples and bananas would give them more energy!  And I was rather surprised by how many of them said they loved their veggies, how awesome.

At 11:30am we started practicing our handstands because at noon we were going to celebrate National Gymnastics Day by breaking the world record for how many handstands done across the world!  And at noon we were all against the wall with our handstands!

Our group plus studios all over the world totaled 20,478 handstands done at the same time!  How crazy!  It was such a great event to be a part of :)

Miss Nebraska

Miss Nebraska State Fair/Heartland Pageant

I started this rainy day at the North Platte booth where I signed autographs and took tons of pictures.  This one, is one of my favorites because I can just feel the excitement and joy in these little girls smiles :) especially the one on the left!  I love that I can make people smile like this!

And I had to get my picture with some Nebraska fans too!  I couldn't go without sporting my Husker gear for the first game day of the season.  And I may have been hiding my phone under the table checking updates on Twitter for the rest of the day too!

What an adorable little smile!
After the autograph session I hopped on a golf cart and was dropped off at the Heartland Event Center where I spent the afternoon with all of the contestants.  Kayla, Brooke and I got a little adventurous that day and as we wandered the park indulged in a red velvet funnel cake with cream cheese frosting! (It was sooo good!)  And then after that trip we made our way to a booth and all got feathers in our hair!  Oh the rebels in all of us.  Then it was off to another autograph session, Kayla forgot her cards but I told her she could just sign my name on my cards and it would only be half forgery because we have the same first name!

Signing autographs!
And at 7:30 the pageant began!  I had a great time emceeing with Darrell Drullinger and enjoyed the whole show.  There was some great entertainment and wonderful performances by each of the girls.

Singing some songs :)

Mariah Cook Miss Nebraska State Fair and Kimberly Brennan Miss Heartland
A huge congratulations to Mariah Cook, Miss Nebraska State Fair 2011 and Kimberly Brennan, Miss Heartland 2011!  They will take the stage in June for the title of Miss Nebraska 2012!

All funneled out,
Miss Nebraska

Miss Lincoln/Star City Pageant

Nebraska's Teens! '07,'08,'05,'11
Finally, pageant season!  I missed the first local pageant this year due to another event so this was my first local and was I excited!  It was such a joy spending the day with all the girls and some of my favorite people i/e Jenn Curtis, Heather Loske you know :)

And although we didn't have air conditioner that toasty day we all made it through and had a wonderful pageant!  And thanks to the wonderful Foehlinger family we had a rockin' sound system.  We were blessed to have them bring that down from Omaha because the one in the school wasn't quite up to par.

Brooke and I had a great time emceeing together and performing as well as watching the pageant from the side lines.  I must say that it is more nerve racking to watch a pageant than to be a part of one, I think!  My heart was racing as I awaited the results!

Tracy and Marianne

Love my miss Kelsey

Brooke Ludemann, Jessica States, Kati Poppert, Rachel Foehlinger
Congratulations to both Rachel Foehlinger and Kati Poppert who will return to the Miss Nebraska stage next June to compete for the title of Miss Nebraska!

Miss Nebraska

State Fair Opening Ceremonies

Friday August 28th was the opening ceremonies of the Nebraska State Fair, held for the second year in Grand Island, Nebraska.  I met with Kayla Decker, Miss Nebraska State Fair 2010 before the ceremony!
We were placed on the trailer with the dignitaries of the state, Miss America, Teresa Scanlan and Governor Dave Heineman.  After the ceremonies we jumped into some fancy cars and made our way through the park in the parade.  It was a beautiful, hot sweaty evening but there were so many excited visitors that I couldn't help but push that out of my thoughts.  

After the parade we were able to sit down in the VIP area and visit and have some iced water to cool off!  After a while we decided that it was time to continue the drive on to Lincoln!  I said my goodbyes to Kayla and my directors, stopped for my redbull and was off to Lincoln to surprise my best friend Abby at her birthday dinner!

I love my job and I LOVE my friends!

Miss Nebraska 

Pie Social and day in Bridgeport

My friend Logan.
With the help of my mom and Aunt Nancy and a handful of wonderful bakers, we were able to hold a fundraiser/benefit in Bridgeport.  Pat Holland and her husband owned the Sweet Things Bakery in Bridgeport where I have indulged in my fair share of doughnuts for years.  My mom called me one day to tell me that they had closed the bakery because Pat had been diagnosed with stage four cancer.  My heart went out to the family and that's where we got the idea for the Pie Social.  

My grandma and a few other family friends made pies, nearly 50 and we sold them for $10 a slice or $60 a pie.  I was there to take pictures, entertain and sign autographs.  By the end of the event we had sold nearly all of our pies!

Grandma Em and I.

The Holland family.
I went to lunch with my mom and aunt and then I went and visited a few local businesses and signed more autographs and sold a few t-shirts.  Even got a chance to ride the gator at 21st Century Equipment...okay I really didn't get to ride it, just sit on it!

I wouldn't mind having this ride :)
I then had ice cream with Logan (shown in the first picture) and his sister at the Karette.  Logan gave me a bracelet he had made for me that is made of a very hefty rope.  He told me that it is used in the military and could be a life saving mechanism.  I learned that it can hold up to 550lbs!  So I am supposed to wear it everyday, because if I get in a situation that I need some rope all I'd have to do is cut my bracelet and bada-bing I'd have rope.  But with my luck I wouldn't know what to do with it then anyway!

Thank you for the amazing meal!
That evening I met with two of my favorite people, Pat and Leroy Mattix and had supper at Burerwerx!

What an eventful day!  That night mom and I sat down and counted the money we had raised, which we would be spliting, half for me and half for Pat Holland.  We were able to give Pat a check for a little over $1,000!  What a great feeling!

My thoughts and prayers with Pat and her family,
Miss Nebraska

Miss America Orientation and Finals!

Because of my busy schedule and my habit of procrastination this blog post is almost three weeks old!  I am terribly sorry, but ready to make it up to you with many blogs today! 

My last day in Florida was spent with all of my Miss America class of 2012 sisters at orientation.  We were spoken to by Sam Haskel, Randy (security) and  few others including Miss America, Teresa Scanlan.  Each person gave there input on what we should be focusing on and what to expect in Las Vegas.  It was a moving experience and one that I will never forget. 

That afternoon I spent hours packing up my suitcases hoping they wouldn't be overweight and before I knew it, it was pageant time!

Unfortunately Brooke didn't make the top 15, but she did such a fantastic job representing our state!  I am so proud of her and will continue to be!

Crazy faces with Indiana 

Bree Boyce, Miss South Carolina

Amy and I after finals ready to take on the long walk to the hotel.

A little fan base that I got to walk with!  So cute!

It was so amazing to be back on the stage I competed on four years ago, but to be with another group of fantastic women!  I am so eager for Miss America this January!  I can't wait to reunite with my girls and get to know them more.

Miss Nebraska 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss America Fundraiser

After a long hard day of fun at Disney World it was off to the Miss America Fundraiser!  We had only an hour to get ready to leave but that was enough for everyone to get beautiful and ready for a fun time.  We were welcomed with a red carpet and the beautiful home of the Porter's.  Dinner soon followed with two whole rooms full of wonderful dishes, an ice sculpture, dessert and delicious sushi.  It was great talking with the girls, home owners as well as the Miss America board.

Red carpet!

Visiting after some delicious supper.

Squeezing as many of us onto an couch as possible.
I kept overhearing about some sort of "surprise" we were going to have and it was after they took us all to a room and then all the lights went off.  It was the start of the show I thought, just kidding the electricity went out!  After a few moments of darkness we continued on with the night by listening to the Atlantic City Boys!

Atlantic City Boys=heart throbs
Although it was a little muggy in the house with no electricity we had such a great time!  Dancing and singing with my new friends was a high light to my week!

The fantastic security guard and Miss America's CHRIS

All danced out,
Miss Nebraska

Friday at Disney World!

Kisses from Neb and Nev
Good morning ladies!  The 6:15am departure time came much too soon but it would be an adventurous day to say the least.  We left right away for Walt Disney World, the happiest place on Earth.  There was no music, no lights, no people...happy?  We started shooting right away and we were told, "Just walk slowly and look happy.  If you see anything fun and exciting...just keep walking!"  I laughed at this wondering what fun and exciting thing I would see, it wasn't long after that Minnie and Mickey Mouse jumped out from behind a building and Goofy, Donald and Pluto shortly after!  Needless to say, we didn't keep walking!  We were screaming and acting like small children again.

Group 4

He suits us!

After doing quite a bit of shooting for the promo videos it was off to the rides.  I went to DisneyLand when I was 8 and the scariest ride I went on was Splash Mountain, I cried.  But I wasn't going to let those fears keep me from the rides here.  I let the girls talk me into Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and a few other roller coasters.  I may have screamed like a little girl, but I made it and didn't even get sick!

We bused to Hollywood Resort where we had lunch and then it was off to the rides again, only this time I didn't make it too long.  I volunteered to ride and gladly chose to get off the ride after one ride while the other girls rode again.  Needless to say, my car sickness kicked in on that visual stimulant ride.  Yuck!

Sweethearts <3

Hanging out on the floor!
After a long day of filming and playing I was ready for a shower and the rest of the evening!

Miss Nebraska