Monday, September 19, 2011

Cartwheel-A-Thon Fitness Challenge and handstand record breaking!

The kids in these pictures had been raising money for CMNHospitals and were agreeing or pledging to do different activities for the money they raised.  So some did bridges and held them for ten seconds a piece, some did handstands with pointed toes, others walked on the balance beam and did cartwheels!  I jumped right in on the action and did my own share of cartwheels, round-offs, and summersaults.  Now, two days later I am barely moving due to my sore muscles!  There are some that I didn't even know existed, guess I need to do it more often!

After the kids had a chance to fulfill their pledges, we held a fitness challenge where we learned about flexibility and some stretches that would be really good to do at home.  I had to laugh when one little boy, Riley was wincing in pain about as much as I was when we started stretching!

After the flexibility it was on to cardiovascular!  I told the kids the importance of cardio and how it will make their hearts and lungs really strong.  Many of them were great at guessing the activities they could do to increase their heart rate.  We played a game that included jumping and running and it got all of our hearts pounding!

On to the muscles!  Brooke taught the kids three different exercises they could do at home to built strong muscles: crunches, push-ups, and planks.  I think the boys were most excited about this, you know they really like the way their muscles look when they flex!

And last but not least Meghan taught the kids about nutrition.  Many of them really wanted to say that doughnuts were the healthier snack but knew that apples and bananas would give them more energy!  And I was rather surprised by how many of them said they loved their veggies, how awesome.

At 11:30am we started practicing our handstands because at noon we were going to celebrate National Gymnastics Day by breaking the world record for how many handstands done across the world!  And at noon we were all against the wall with our handstands!

Our group plus studios all over the world totaled 20,478 handstands done at the same time!  How crazy!  It was such a great event to be a part of :)

Miss Nebraska

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