Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday at MAOT!

Thursday morning started with a photo shoot with the wonderful Jenn Cady!  She had some great ideas and all of us "formers" had a great time.  After that we did some video shooting for the pageant Saturday night and then it was off to prepare for the recording of our Viral Videos.  Last year these videos were used to help choose two of the top 15 at the Miss America Pageant.  Many people took their videos to the extreme and rapped, or acted out a skit, but I decided just to speak my mind about the job.  Due to my awesome procrastination skills I didn't have anything written down until a few hours before the shoot.  After some help from Amy, my 60 second speech was complete.  I then practiced over and over in the mirror (such a weird thing to do) until I was confidant.

The last of the girls before recording our Viral Videos!
Before shooting my video I met with the Artistry by Amway Skincare Specialists and received an entire bag of goodies: cleanser, toner, moisturizer, mascara, eye shadow, brushes, blush and powder!  It was such a great gift from a fabulous sponsor.  Next on the agenda: supper at Maggiano's sponsored by David and Kerry of Regalia and Mary Sullivan, the ED of the Miss Florida pageant.  It was such great food and great company!  We had the opportunity to tell some interesting facts about ourselves with the group and I learned a lot!  There are some great talents (licking of the elbow, impersonations) it made me so excited to spend another week with these ladies in Vegas!


Miss Hawaii, and my sweetheart, Lauren 
I got a little photo happy this evening after the show!  I recorded Brooke singing her talent (she did PHENOMENAL) but I can't get it to play on my that was just a little tease I suppose!

Mary Margaret

Miss NY and I!

Love this girl

So proud of my Brook!

With my Directors past and preset!
I couldn't believe that it was already Thursday and soon my trip to Florida would be over!  I am anxious for what Saturday night would bring and ready to partake in more adventures as the week moved on.

Exhausted after prelims,
Miss Nebraska

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.  “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them."  Mark 11:22-23

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