Monday, September 19, 2011

Pie Social and day in Bridgeport

My friend Logan.
With the help of my mom and Aunt Nancy and a handful of wonderful bakers, we were able to hold a fundraiser/benefit in Bridgeport.  Pat Holland and her husband owned the Sweet Things Bakery in Bridgeport where I have indulged in my fair share of doughnuts for years.  My mom called me one day to tell me that they had closed the bakery because Pat had been diagnosed with stage four cancer.  My heart went out to the family and that's where we got the idea for the Pie Social.  

My grandma and a few other family friends made pies, nearly 50 and we sold them for $10 a slice or $60 a pie.  I was there to take pictures, entertain and sign autographs.  By the end of the event we had sold nearly all of our pies!

Grandma Em and I.

The Holland family.
I went to lunch with my mom and aunt and then I went and visited a few local businesses and signed more autographs and sold a few t-shirts.  Even got a chance to ride the gator at 21st Century Equipment...okay I really didn't get to ride it, just sit on it!

I wouldn't mind having this ride :)
I then had ice cream with Logan (shown in the first picture) and his sister at the Karette.  Logan gave me a bracelet he had made for me that is made of a very hefty rope.  He told me that it is used in the military and could be a life saving mechanism.  I learned that it can hold up to 550lbs!  So I am supposed to wear it everyday, because if I get in a situation that I need some rope all I'd have to do is cut my bracelet and bada-bing I'd have rope.  But with my luck I wouldn't know what to do with it then anyway!

Thank you for the amazing meal!
That evening I met with two of my favorite people, Pat and Leroy Mattix and had supper at Burerwerx!

What an eventful day!  That night mom and I sat down and counted the money we had raised, which we would be spliting, half for me and half for Pat Holland.  We were able to give Pat a check for a little over $1,000!  What a great feeling!

My thoughts and prayers with Pat and her family,
Miss Nebraska

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