Monday, September 19, 2011

Knock out Hunger!

Rachel and I with Kelsey Joseph the coordinator of the event!
Although it was a chilly, wet morning and it took me forever to get to Omaha (closed interstate) I made it to the parking lot of Kids Against Hunger where we were trying to break the world record of the largest game of knockout and pack 20,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger!  Although it was raining there was still a huge crowd that showed up and that rain didn't melt us!  If anything it just stirred us up a bit.  And that's when the dancing began.  I had to take a break and grab a water before singing the National Anthem because I got myself all worked up dancing!

Warming up with a little dancing!

Some of the Creighton basketball boys before starting the knockout game!

With the lovely Rachel, Miss Lincoln :)
I jumped in line with the Creighton boys once the game began and stayed in for two rounds!  I actually never got knocked out, I just got distracted and lost my place in line and didn't think that it would be appropriate if I had claimed that I actually won because I never got I just took some pictures and enjoyed the afternoon!

The line for the knock out game!  We tried beating the world record!
And what do you know, Major Jim Suttle stopped in to kick off the event and turns out he left his tiara at home, but I helped him out with the sash!  I think the people of Omaha would love to see this in the paper!

Major Jim Suttle being Miss Nebraska for the day!
After watching the knockout game and finally getting a winner I went into the building to pack some meals!  Our group packed 150 bags filled with soy, rice, veggies, and proteins.  These quart sized bags can feed a family of five and all they have to do is add water and boil it.  It look less than a half hour to pack that many bags and those will feed so many families.  Such a great way to volunteer your time.  That small package will make a huge difference.

Part of our crew as we made out way to pack meals for Kids Against Hunger.

I loved having two back to back days of casual appearances where the hair was in a pony and the comfy clothes were on.  I heard more than once yesterday, "she's not the typical Miss Nebraska, is she?"  And I am more than okay with that!  I rocked my Nike dunks and tall sock and had a blast!

Miss Nebraska

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