Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday at MAOT!

As I mentioned in Tuesday's blog, I was very tired and knowing I may not get the opportunity again, Amy and I chose not to set an alarm and I may have slept until 10:30 or so...oops.  It felt sooo good!  After finally dragging myself out of bed and getting ready we went down to the trade show and then headed for lunch!  From lunch it was right to rehearsal where I read over my script and made sure I was pronouncing all the names correctly and then it was off to the hotel to start the beautifying process all over again.

Miss MN and Miss ND, Co-hosts for the evening!
I had such a great time co-hosing the pageant that evening and loved the fact that I got to see Brooke before she went on stage each night.  Tonight though, Brooke came up to me (probably my best experience the whole trip) and said, "Kayla, will you pray with me?"  I was so pleased and so happy to do this with Brooke.  I love that she turned to me to guide her prayers.  And in the past week I have heard Brooke speak of her faith and the new dedication to it several times.  It makes me so proud to know that I've had a part in that and can be an example to her through my own life.

Miss HI, Miss WV, Miss VT and Miss NE
Blessed and proud of my little sister, 
Miss Nebraska

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”  Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.  A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you."  Psalms 91:1-7

Tuesday at MAOT!

Rosen Centre Hotel that was my home for a week!

Well, what can I say.  Florida was as it was four years ago when I stepped into the muggy, hot air of Orlando.  Only this time, I was Miss Nebraska!  Okay, well I still am, but you know what I'm saying.  It was such a great welcome as it reminded me much of my experience four years ago when I went to compete for the title of Miss America's Outstanding Teen.  As Amy and I walked into the hotel everything came back to me, the colors, the scent, and the memories.  I couldn't wait to meet the other girls, my new sisters, and spend time getting to know them!  

Some of you may know that because of my former title of Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen 2007, I was given the opportunity to co-host one night of preliminaries as well as be introduced on stage each night.  So as I readied myself for the evening and made my way downstairs I found all my new sisters, who were former teen title holders!  Two of which were my former MAOT sisters and two of my sweethearts!  I was so at ease knowing a handful of the girls and then having this opportunity to visit with them before the show.  

Brooke had evening gown and onstage question and despite her earring falling off did wonderfully, so wonderful at that, that she won the preliminary award that night!  That is the first time Nebraska has won a preliminary award at MAOT!  I was so proud!  Onto visitation!

With the wonderful Chris

Shoe Picture!
As we were all mingling and taking photos one of the dads came up to me and asked me about my blue suede shoes.  I was very excited about them, seeing as they made their debut that night but little did I know that they would have some sort of significance.  This dad told me that August 16th was Elvis' death day in 1977, and thought that I had worn my blue suede shoes in honor of Elvis.  I had to tell him the truth in that I didn't actually know about that, I just happen to choose this outfit for this day.  BUT that didn't stop me from telling everyone else why I had those shoes on.  And my where they impressed!  I believe I will always remember that day and may just have to bust out the blue suede's every year in memory!

Yay for directors!
After visitation, a few of the Miss contestants decided to walk over to Denny's to help Lauren, Miss Hawaii, celebrate her 24th birthday!  It was a hoot walking into the diner with our crowns and sashes but even more fun getting to talk with the girls one on one...and of course talking a few pictures!

This photo is indescribable.
I can say that the five hours of sleep, rough landing into Orlando, a day in heels and a night on the town, definitely tired me out!  After supper I was more than ready to crash!

Loving my class of 2012,
Miss Nebraska

Just a little love from the King.

"Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves."  Galatians 6:1-3

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miss America Lottery

Although this wasn't an event I had to be dressed up for, or travel to, I still consider it an event.  This Tuesday at 4pm Central Time, I sat with my computer sweating bullets and hyperventilating slighty, awaiting the first pick of the states to begin the lottery.  Before it started, Joel asked me, "If you're first, where do you want to be?"  I immediately answered, "Mu 6."  He asked me why and I didn't know why, I just thought, if I were to be first, that's what I wanted.  Turns out I wasn't first but thirty-first and out of the ten slots I had chosen originally, four of them were still open.  My first choice was Mu 6 and when my name came up Mu 6 was still available and I filled it.

I am so happy with my choice!  I will be doing my personal interview with the judges Monday, January 9th, on-stage questions Tuesday, January 10th, evening gown and swimsuit Wednesday, January 11th, and talent Thursday, January 12th.  Then finals will take place that Saturday the 14th live on ABC!  Another great thing about the Mu group is that I have three of my Sweethearts in there with me as well as my MAOT sister from Georgia!  Great friends connect again :)

Some of this is still feeling surreal to me and that only excites me more!  You can check out the entire order of competition by clicking on the link below.

Miss America Lottery Selection

Now after catching up with my last, I don't know, ten blogs, I need to continue packing for Miss America's Outstanding Teen Pageant!  I leave tomorrow night from Lincoln and fly out Tuesday morning.  It will be so long Lincoln, hello Florida!

Anxious to meet my Miss America Class of 2012!
Miss Nebraska

"Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid.  But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”  Luke 14:12-14

Brooke's Sendoff Party

Brooke and I at her sendoff!
Sunday I made my way to North Platte to attend and perform at my little sister's send off party!  I can't believe that Brooke is in Orlando and will begin her competition tomorrow with interview!!! She is such a wonderful girl and will have an amazing experience in Florida.  It's such an awesome thing for me because I am the first Miss Nebraska that was also Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen.  I was in Brooke's shoes and know what she's feeling and it makes me even more excited for her journey!  I can't wait to see her Tuesday when I fly into Orlando to see her compete.  I have no doubt that she could be Miss America's Outstanding Teen!  I have seen her beauty on the inside and clearly her beauty on the out and I couldn't be more proud to be her big sister this year as well as her Nebraska's OT sister as well.  It was great to see many familiar faces and be there to support Brooke.

Mama KayKay States

My favorite Drullinger Family 
I had planned on driving back to Lincoln that evening, but changed my mind and luckily dodged a red alert thunderstorm!  Whew!  I don't think little Howie and I can do those anymore, too stressful.

Pumped for Brooke,
Miss Nebraska

"We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life."  1 John 5:20

Autograph Signing for Epilepsy

Last Friday, I made my way to Papillion to sign autographs at the Epilepsy booth.  They were having a walk the following morning to raise funds for Epilepsy and I was so pleased to be a part of the evening and to help raise a little cash for the cause.  I met many wonderful people and was able to enjoy the music of the cover band, Lemon Fresh Day.  

Such a little sweetheart!
This next young man came up to the booth with his uncle who told me that he had traveled the farthest to see me.  So I asked him, where are you from.  He then said something that I didn't understand, so I turned to his uncle and asked, "Where is he from?"  He then told me, Holland.  It was then that I realized I had heard the young man but his accent was so thick that I couldn't make it out!  And just for the record, I decided I'm going to ignore the fact that he was visiting his family and enjoying the evening and just happened to stumble across me and go ahead and say that I had a fan come all the way from Holland to meet me! :)

I then met Joel.  Joel has had epilepsy for many years and was excited to participate in the walk the following day, but I think if you asked him or his family he was more excited to meet me!  His excitement was very strong when I asked him to take a photo with me! What a great smile :)

Joel and I

Montez from Channel 94.1 in Omaha
In the midst of all the wonderful live music, I didn't realize the band had taken a break until the lead singer Danny came running over to my booth and gave me a signed pic and asked for an autograph from me.  I jokingly said to him, "Now I thought you were coming over here to ask me to sing!"  Well, I guess since I'm a little more prestigious with a crown on my head, he invited me up to sing with the band!  I had such a blast singing songs like Brick House and 867-5309!  And I thought I was signing a lot of autographs before I sang, I had a mile long line after that from all my new fans.   

In the midst of all my singing and signing I forgot how hard I played the tamborine and when I got back to Lincoln that night I found a fist sized bruise on my leg!  Ya, funny story right?  I guess you could say I was really getting into it!

Loving my musical talents,
Miss Nebraska

  "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.  Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."  Ecclesiastes 11:5-6

Car show in Columbus

I'd take this one home!
Saturday the 30th, I was headed to Columbus for the car show that happens every year.  Unfortunately, I was unable to be in Scottsbluff for the Scottsbluff County Fair Queen Pageant that evening because I was across the state, but I was still happy to be able to make an appearance.  I had a booth set up in the dealership to sign autographs then made my rounds to all the cars.  I did find a few that begged me to take them home but unfortunately, I'm committed to little Howie, and I know he'd be heartbroken if I chose someone else over him!

Excited fan!

He thought I made his car look great!

It was great to see the town of Columbus and well as all of the wonderful people who came out to the car show!  I had a great time!

Loving classic cars,
Miss Nebraska

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."  James 5:16

Sunday in the Park:Meet Mileigh Krebs

Sunday in the park brought much more to me than just a performance.  Before I sang, a woman came up to me asking for an autograph for her daughter Mileigh.  I obliged of course and while I was signing it she told me Mileigh was blind.  I really wanted to meet her so I asked if she was there and luckily to me, she was.  Mileigh's mom, Tina, took me to her and when I saw her beautiful curly hair I couldn't help but to love her instantly.  Mileigh's grandma told me that she has optic nerve hypoplasia and was born blind.  She was so excited to meet me and I felt so honored to make her day.  My mother was playing photographer but wasn't with me at the moment so I asked if I could come back after I sang to take some photos.  

While singing, I often looked in Mileigh's direction to see her dancing in the sun to my was an unforgettable moment and feeling.  After I sang I went back to see her and introduced her to my mom as well and she was able to touch my crown and my earrings and face.  She felt one of my "four points" rhinestones and kept turning my head, she asked me "What is that?"  I told her it was a sparkly stone from my crown, and at that moment she had tears in her eyes.  With the disease she has, she can see a slight reflexion of light from the sun and in that moment she was seeing a glisten from my crown.  

I was so blessed to meet Mileigh that Sunday and will cherish this moment for the rest of my life.  I am humbled by this little girl and her family.  I have recently talked with her mother Tina who told me that Mileigh still talks about me, for that I am so proud.  I am so thrilled that I made an impact in her young life and even more thrilled about the impact she made on mine.  I will cherish this moment and this little angel forever.

Beyond blessed,
Miss Nebraska

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."  Galatians 6:7-10

Miss Nebraska Homecoming

At my homecoming with the Husker Elvis'
Friday night of Heritage Days brought my homecoming celebration!  I had many visiting queens and many supporters!  I was able to speak a few times as well as perform.  My favorite Great Uncle and Great Aunt came from Lysco to see me as well and most of my family from Colorado!  It was so great seeing all the support around the community.  I had so many thank you's for everyone who helped as well as donating their time and travels to come out!


One of my little princesses, Regan

Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen, Brooke Ludemann
Some girls from my graduating class of 2008 at AHS!
And after my homecoming event, and all my pretty make-up and done up hair I transformed by putting on my shorts and a tshirt and throwing my hair in a pony to make my way to the Good Samaritan Society dunk tank.  Oh ya, I was gonna raise some money by partially drowning every time someone had a good arm!

Helping Good Samaritan raise money doing the dunk tank! 
 I tell you what, that big metal tub was rather intimidating when I first peeked in but after my first dunk I realized how warm the water was and how cold the outside air was.  When we weren't getting any takers to dunk me I just swam around in there to stay warm!  And much to my dismay, upon winning Miss Nebraska, my abilities to think everything through and always have everything I need, did not take charge.  I didn't bring another set of clothes...or a towel.  But despite all of that I helped raise over $70 in an hour and my eye shadow stayed on!
After the dunk tank I ran home, threw some cream in my wet hair added some mascara and got ready to head to Newberry's for the piano bar.  It was great being able to sit and chat with friends and family rather than just speak to them!  I do believe that I may have been falling asleep by 10pm but it was a great day and I had another big day ahead of me!

Miss Nebraska

Heritage Days Parade

Saturday morning was an early one as I made my way to Newberry's for breakfast with my little princesses!  And what a crazy thing, they both wore purple :)  We had a great breakfast before heading to the parade route where we snapped pictures and I crowned both Regan and Kate as my princesses for the day!  It was a beautiful morning with that wonderful "western Nebraska wind" to cool us off in the heat.  The three of us had the pleasure to ride on the First National Bank float where I did have to ditch the high heels due to the lack of balance I could maintain.  And despite anyone telling me that it's not lady like to go barefoot, I was comfortable and no one even noticed!

Kate and Regan, my little princesses!

The wonderful float!
 Unfortunately, I don't have photos of the best part of this parade.  You see, in the back of the truck that was pulling our float was a team of First National Bank employees who had a t-shirt shooter.  Yup, so if you can imagine yourself being a 5 year old child and having to decide if you wanted to wave at Miss Nebraska or try to get the guy with the t-shirt shooter to shoot the shirt at you, what would you decide?  Even though, I should probably say that I'd wave at the princess...I like t-shirts.  Because of this I can't be too discouraged in thinking of how many children as well as parents, ignored my presence due to the shooter.  It was about the middle of the parade that I decided something needed to be done about this...and that's when I requested the gun and had Marcus run along side the float and provide the ammo.  Yes, that's right, I rode in the parade carrying a 30lb t-shirt shooter (in a dress) and shot t-shirts and balls to the crowd.  Needless to say, I got many looks then and some sore arms in the morning!  It was a blast though and a perfect day for the parade.  My whole family from Colorado made it up too, plus my Granny from Angora and my Aunt and cousin from Bridgeport.  Their support is never ending!
Aunt Juge, Aunt Nanny, me, Aunt Mel, and Gram

My little cousin Colby :)
I had lunch with my little princesses and then went to Steph's Studio for green screen photos!  I was ready for a nap by the end of the afternoon and though I didn't get one I was able to relax for a while and get everything ready to head back to Lincoln Sunday afternoon!

I love red dresses,
Miss Nebraska

"Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear."  Philippians 1:12-14

Miss Flame 2011

Okay, so I know I've been slacking beyond my norm lately but I'm here to catch up before I leave again for a week!  Back to Heritage Days a few weeks ago to one of the most interesting and somewhat disturbing event...the 2011 Miss Flame Pageant.  I was asked a few months ago by a friend to judge the Miss Flame Pageant.  All of the proceeds that are raised go to the volunteer fire department in Alliance.  Men enter the contest and then compete in evening gown, swimsuit, talent and onstage question...dressed as women.  I really mean it, men dressed in drag to raise money!  It was quite the hoot as you'll see below!

Some of the judges

Morgan Wills and Megan Dimmit

Miss Smoke, Me, Miss Flame and Miss Spark
And rather than the typical 2nd, and 1st runner up's they had Miss Spark and Miss Smoke.  The winner of the Miss Flame pageant was Morgan Wills (one of my friends from high school) and it was almost scary how well he pulled of the womanly appearance!  All in all it was a great event and of course entertaining.  I did a little fill with the emcee where he asked me what was one thing that was different about this pageant than any I had competed in.  My answer was simple and honest, "There is much more hair!"  

Until next time,
Miss Nebraska

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."  1Thessalonians 5:16-18

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little Mail

When I was home for Heritage Days I was receiving many checks in the mail for t-shirts and raffle tickets, which was a fabulous thing, but it was one letter that stood out to me that I thought was worthy of sharing with you.  It was a letter from someone who knows how important music is to me and it included this small article.

Why Teach Music?

Music is Scienceà

It is exact, specific, and it demands exact acoustics.  A conductor’s full score is a chart, a graph which indicates frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody, and harmony all at once with the most exact control of time.  

Music is Mathematicalà

It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time into fractions which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper.

Music is a Foreign Languageà

Most of the terms are in Italian, German, or French, and the notation is certainly not English-but a highly developed kind of shorthand that uses symbols to represent ideas.  The semantics of music is the most complete and universal language.

Music is Historyà
Music usually reflects the environment and times of its creations, often even the country and/or racial feeling.

Music is Physical Educationà
 It requires fantastic coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lip, cheek, and facial muscles, in addition to extraordinary control of the diaphragmatic, back, stomach, and chest muscles, which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and the mind interprets. 

Music is all these things, but mostly music is Artà
 It allows a human being to take all these dry, technically boring (but different) techniques and use them to create emotion.  That is one thing science cannot duplicate; humanism, feeling, emotion, call it what you will.

That is why we teach Music.  Not because we expect you to major in music.  Not because we expect you to play or sing all your life.  Not so you can have fun.

But- So you will be human.  So you will recognize beauty.  So you will be sensitive.  So you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world.  So you will have something to cling to.  So you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good, -in short, more life.

Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live.


Miss Nebraska 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011


My morning started at women's Bible study at my church where I was able to sit in on the lesson and also participate in a prayer circle for my year, my travels and my struggles and accomplishments too.  Those women, and my church, love me and have watched me grow up.  They know what I've been through and how much I've gained from it and I am so thankful to be a part of their family.

I then ran to Alliance Times Herald where I picked up a check for the money that they raised for me in the ads!  Such great supporters I have here at home!  

I had some free time in the afternoon to organize and get more t-shirt orders out, little did I know what I would need to be preparing for with the evening's event!

The judges!

Elton John

Me and my frannn Beau!

Dancin' with Bob!  

A little MC Hammer!

And some Thriller!

Announcing the winner of the $516.32 check!

And the winner is...

This event is best described by the photos above!  We held a first annual Gong Show in Alliance as a replica of the show from back in the day.  That's just it, I'm a little YOUNG to know what this was all about.  Not to worry, as I had quite a taste of the show and am already planning my act for next year!

Thrilled for next year already!
Miss Nebraska

"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, 
   who walk according to the law of the LORD. 
2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes 
   and seek him with all their heart— 
3 they do no wrong 
   but follow his ways."

Psalms 119:1-3