Sunday, August 14, 2011

Heritage Days Parade

Saturday morning was an early one as I made my way to Newberry's for breakfast with my little princesses!  And what a crazy thing, they both wore purple :)  We had a great breakfast before heading to the parade route where we snapped pictures and I crowned both Regan and Kate as my princesses for the day!  It was a beautiful morning with that wonderful "western Nebraska wind" to cool us off in the heat.  The three of us had the pleasure to ride on the First National Bank float where I did have to ditch the high heels due to the lack of balance I could maintain.  And despite anyone telling me that it's not lady like to go barefoot, I was comfortable and no one even noticed!

Kate and Regan, my little princesses!

The wonderful float!
 Unfortunately, I don't have photos of the best part of this parade.  You see, in the back of the truck that was pulling our float was a team of First National Bank employees who had a t-shirt shooter.  Yup, so if you can imagine yourself being a 5 year old child and having to decide if you wanted to wave at Miss Nebraska or try to get the guy with the t-shirt shooter to shoot the shirt at you, what would you decide?  Even though, I should probably say that I'd wave at the princess...I like t-shirts.  Because of this I can't be too discouraged in thinking of how many children as well as parents, ignored my presence due to the shooter.  It was about the middle of the parade that I decided something needed to be done about this...and that's when I requested the gun and had Marcus run along side the float and provide the ammo.  Yes, that's right, I rode in the parade carrying a 30lb t-shirt shooter (in a dress) and shot t-shirts and balls to the crowd.  Needless to say, I got many looks then and some sore arms in the morning!  It was a blast though and a perfect day for the parade.  My whole family from Colorado made it up too, plus my Granny from Angora and my Aunt and cousin from Bridgeport.  Their support is never ending!
Aunt Juge, Aunt Nanny, me, Aunt Mel, and Gram

My little cousin Colby :)
I had lunch with my little princesses and then went to Steph's Studio for green screen photos!  I was ready for a nap by the end of the afternoon and though I didn't get one I was able to relax for a while and get everything ready to head back to Lincoln Sunday afternoon!

I love red dresses,
Miss Nebraska

"Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear."  Philippians 1:12-14

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