Sunday, August 14, 2011

Autograph Signing for Epilepsy

Last Friday, I made my way to Papillion to sign autographs at the Epilepsy booth.  They were having a walk the following morning to raise funds for Epilepsy and I was so pleased to be a part of the evening and to help raise a little cash for the cause.  I met many wonderful people and was able to enjoy the music of the cover band, Lemon Fresh Day.  

Such a little sweetheart!
This next young man came up to the booth with his uncle who told me that he had traveled the farthest to see me.  So I asked him, where are you from.  He then said something that I didn't understand, so I turned to his uncle and asked, "Where is he from?"  He then told me, Holland.  It was then that I realized I had heard the young man but his accent was so thick that I couldn't make it out!  And just for the record, I decided I'm going to ignore the fact that he was visiting his family and enjoying the evening and just happened to stumble across me and go ahead and say that I had a fan come all the way from Holland to meet me! :)

I then met Joel.  Joel has had epilepsy for many years and was excited to participate in the walk the following day, but I think if you asked him or his family he was more excited to meet me!  His excitement was very strong when I asked him to take a photo with me! What a great smile :)

Joel and I

Montez from Channel 94.1 in Omaha
In the midst of all the wonderful live music, I didn't realize the band had taken a break until the lead singer Danny came running over to my booth and gave me a signed pic and asked for an autograph from me.  I jokingly said to him, "Now I thought you were coming over here to ask me to sing!"  Well, I guess since I'm a little more prestigious with a crown on my head, he invited me up to sing with the band!  I had such a blast singing songs like Brick House and 867-5309!  And I thought I was signing a lot of autographs before I sang, I had a mile long line after that from all my new fans.   

In the midst of all my singing and signing I forgot how hard I played the tamborine and when I got back to Lincoln that night I found a fist sized bruise on my leg!  Ya, funny story right?  I guess you could say I was really getting into it!

Loving my musical talents,
Miss Nebraska

  "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.  Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."  Ecclesiastes 11:5-6

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