Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miss Nebraska Homecoming

At my homecoming with the Husker Elvis'
Friday night of Heritage Days brought my homecoming celebration!  I had many visiting queens and many supporters!  I was able to speak a few times as well as perform.  My favorite Great Uncle and Great Aunt came from Lysco to see me as well and most of my family from Colorado!  It was so great seeing all the support around the community.  I had so many thank you's for everyone who helped as well as donating their time and travels to come out!


One of my little princesses, Regan

Miss Nebraska's Outstanding Teen, Brooke Ludemann
Some girls from my graduating class of 2008 at AHS!
And after my homecoming event, and all my pretty make-up and done up hair I transformed by putting on my shorts and a tshirt and throwing my hair in a pony to make my way to the Good Samaritan Society dunk tank.  Oh ya, I was gonna raise some money by partially drowning every time someone had a good arm!

Helping Good Samaritan raise money doing the dunk tank! 
 I tell you what, that big metal tub was rather intimidating when I first peeked in but after my first dunk I realized how warm the water was and how cold the outside air was.  When we weren't getting any takers to dunk me I just swam around in there to stay warm!  And much to my dismay, upon winning Miss Nebraska, my abilities to think everything through and always have everything I need, did not take charge.  I didn't bring another set of clothes...or a towel.  But despite all of that I helped raise over $70 in an hour and my eye shadow stayed on!
After the dunk tank I ran home, threw some cream in my wet hair added some mascara and got ready to head to Newberry's for the piano bar.  It was great being able to sit and chat with friends and family rather than just speak to them!  I do believe that I may have been falling asleep by 10pm but it was a great day and I had another big day ahead of me!

Miss Nebraska

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